Chapter 8

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Avalina P.O.V

I finally got home and it was night time.

I was surprised to see my father's   car parked outside.

He's back already?

I asked myself as I approached the door.

The door opened before I could open it.

My father looked at me with all the worry on his face disappearing.

He enveloped ms into a tight embrace.

I squeak out a little ow as he held me a little too tight.

"Angel where were you?"he asked worried

"Uh um I...i"I didn't know what to say

"Avalina Johness...where the hell have you been!"he yelled angry at my pathetic answer.

I fell onto my knees crying not being able to explain to him what happend.

He bent over and held me close to him.

"I'm sorry baby"he said

I looked up at him sniffing..he examined me before helping me up.

"How about you take a shower and come downstairs for dinner"he said

I nodded as I made my way up the stairs.

I placed my back pack on my bed as I pulled out my phone.

I unlocked the screen and I saw 10 missed calls..5 from dad and 5 from Miguel.

Oh shit I forgot about Miguel.

I also had 5 texts from Miguel.

Miguel:hey I'm outside the school

Miguel:where are you

Miguel:are you ok

Miguel:this is not funny Avalina I thought you said we could meet up

Miguel:you know what fine don't show's Ok I get it I'm not important

I bit my lip in fear as I thought of how angry Miguel must be with me.

I dialled his number and he didn't answer.

I tried again and again.

I called about 5 times and he kept rejecting every call.

I sighed and changed out of my dirty torn clothes.

Sam,cali and I had to take a path thru the forest and our clothes got hooked by the branches.

We got a couple of cut,scratches and bruises.

Well I had bruises before anyway so i had new ones added to the collection.

I stood in front of my body lengths mirror in my underwear and I examined myself.

I looked extremely thin due to the fact that i hardly eat,my body had purple bruises all over it and a couple of red scratches.

I had one big long scratch on my back which was caused by a tree.

I walked into the bathroom in my robe.

I walked into the shower while the water was still cold.

The cold water ran down my body cooling me off and cleaning the dirt and blood off my body.

The water got hot and I began scrubbing my body clean.

After my shower I walked into my room.

I lotioned my body,I wore bage sleeping shorts,a grey over-sized t-shirt that I got from my dad,black and white striped long socks and I tied my hair into a messy bun.

I put on my robe and I walked down strairs.

"There she little angel"dad said as mary rolled her eyes .

My dad hugged me and he pulled out a little box from behind him.

"I got you something"he said

"Really"I said as my eyes grew big.

My dad hasn't bought me a gift in a while.

I held the royal blue box in my hand and I pulled out a gold necklace with my name hanging from it in gold with diamonds embedded into it.

"Thank you,thank you,thank you soo much daddy"I said as I squeezed him tight.

"You welcome honey...I bought it because you lost the one your mother bought for you"he said before he kissed my forehead.

"Thanks"I said

"Ok...enough of the mushy stuff lets eat"mary said as she snatched my dad from me.

"Sad bitch"Natalie mumbled as she walked past me

I rolled my eyes at her and we sat at the dinner table.

Mary and my father sat horizontal from me.

Nancy and Natalie sat across me

I sat by myself with an empty chair next to me.

My father ordered us to hold hands to say Grace and we did that.

I watched as they passed the containers full of food around the table as I sat there not a single thing on my plate.

"Here you go"Nancy said as she passed me the container with mash in it

"Thank you"I said

I added some chicken then gravy and peas.

We all ate quietly.

The night went by pretty quickly and I woke up to the sounds someone's footsteps outside my room.

I couldn't help but peek out side my room to see but the figure was walking down the stairs.

I got there and I heard some whispers.

"Did you get the pills?"I heard the person say

" why did you need them again?"I heard the second person say

"To get rid of...."person one kept quite so I quickly ducked and made sure to run back up the stairs.

Luckily the lights where off so they couldn't see me.

I wonder who that was and what pills where they talking about?

And who are they planning to get rid of?

I shook my head and jumped back into bed.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 12:30 am.

I wondered what Miguel was up to.

I decided to call him one last time.

After three rings he finally picked up.


Me:uh hi

Miguel:oh it's you

Me:yes it's me

Miguel:what do you want?

Me:Miguel I'm sorry for not showing up after  school today

Miguel:what happend?

Me:well the girls and I decided to ditch we came across an alley and cali had something important to tell us so when she was done speaking we heard people we decided to hide behind some trash when the guy pulled out a gun..cali got scared she kinda got us busted so we made a run for it...those guys chased us halfway through town until we where on the other side so we had to cross thru the lets just say cuts and bruises are evident

Miguel:shit..I'm sorry for being rude I didn't know you would go through so much.

Me:I don't blame you

Miguel:since it's a Friday and all do you think I could see?




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