Chapter 3

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Avalina P.O.V

I walked out of the school building waiting for sam and cali so that we could head to the ice parlour not too far from here.

And to put plan G in action...plan G is a crazy ass plan made by Sam and cali of course saying that I would have to date Miguel so that I won't be treated like shit anymore.

I of course protested saying that I would be basically using  a gangster for street credit and they both said yeah as if what I just said was the right thing to do.

I felt a tap on my shoulder..I turned around to find Nancy and Natalie standing behind me.

"Hey lina mom said  we should give you list of things to get at the grocery store"Nancy said

"And this time don't fuck it up or else your spending this whole month not eating"Natalie said in her high pitched bitchy like voice

"No need to be rude's some cash for the bus and groceries"Nancy said with a warm smile on her face.

Nancy has always been the nice one between her,Mary and Natalie.

"Whatever...I'm leaving I can't be seen standing with this loser"Natalie said walking away

"Sorry about that...she's just annoyed at the fact that your getting all the attention and not her "Nancy said

"And your not annoyed by that?"I asked

"No..I'm glad I don't have eyes on me all the time anymore"she said as we both chuckled

"Bye sissy"she said  before hugging me.

I pulled out my phone and I played some angry birds to pass the time.

"Hey Mrs.gangster "I heard cali say with a fake manly voice

I laughed at her comment.

"Hey"I said

"So you ready for plan G?"sam asked

"Yeah yeah...anyway could we not stay at the ice cream parlour for long I need to go do some more grocery shopping"I said showing them the list

"Damn how many times  does Mary eat in a day?"sam said as she read the list thoroughly.

Every five minutes..

I said in my head and I only chuckled aloud.

"Wait this is great"cali squealed as we entered the ice cream parlour

"Yeah I know this place really is's got unlimited toppings for free cause it just opened"sam said as she ran to the front to checkout the toppings.

"No the place dummy...but the fact that she will be going to town again meaning  she can finally put plan G into action"cali said

"Thats if his there "I spoke up

"He will can we please go get some ice cream and save the toppings from sam otherwise they will become extinct"she said as I laughed at how crazy sam looked picking every single topping.

We got to counter and cali got a cup of rocky road ice cream and I got plain vanilla ice cream with lots of Oreos crushed into it.

"So we sitting and eating or we just gonna eat until we get there?"sam asked with her mouth full of gummy worms.

"How about you swallow first then ask the question after"cali said

Sam swallowed the worms and she opened her mouth wide just to prove to cali that she swallowed them.

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