chapter twenty five [janky]

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P.O.V. Switch

'She told me you both spent yesterday together, yet you don't know why she's so ill?' The atmosphere in the room could not have be any tighter. It almost felt as if I was suffocating in his gaze filled with detriment and determination. He was determined to blame me for a crime I had yet to commit.

'Sir, she showed no signs of fatigue or faintness while we were with each other. This is the first I've heard of her even being sick.' I curled my fingers into a fist, sticking them behind my back to hide it from my instigator.

'Then who was it? If it wasn't you, then who, the alley cat?'

Biting my bottom lip, I could taste the iron of my own blood seeping through from the broken skin.

'Sir, I don't know.'

Giving me one last glare, he turned his back to me and briskly stepped out of my room, slamming the door in the process.

I felt utterly frustrated and attacked that I would even be a prime suspect as to El's illness, and I began to think on her behavior the day before.

After the accident and horse-play in the kitchen, we had finally managed to bake something worthy of eating, but if it was due to the food then I was bound to get sick as well. However, I hadn't felt any different and my stomach felt quite well.

There was a delivery made that day, addressed to Yoongi, left right on the bar counter just outside the kitchen. Before leaving back to her room, she grabbed the package and brought it with her.

I wasn't able to see the returning address on the box, but I suddenly felt chills travel up my spine as came to the horrible realization that maybe if I had checked before hand, El wouldn't be in such a weak state.

Grabbing my coat, I quickly exited my room to investigate further.

- -

P.O.V. Switch

'Come in,' my voice rose barely above a scratchy whisper as I turned my body to face the door. Through my state, I hadn't even questioned how the person got in without a key.

Footsteps followed after the close of the door and the person had squatted near the bed. I was self aware of the fact that I probably reeked of vomit and death, but my inability to even focus on anything reminded me that I didn't care at all.

'Hey, how are you feeling?' A hand was pressed against my head but quickly withdrew as it came into contact with the immense heat.

I simply shook my head 'no,' in response, groaning as they pressed the back of their hand to my cheek.

'El, I need you to tell me what was inside the package you carried in yesterday.' He lowered his voice, calming my sensitive hearing.

'C-candy, some for me t-' I let out a cough before completing my sentence, hoping that they would get the gist and let me swim in my own pain. My voice was also beginning to hurt my throat.

'Where is it?'

I pointed to the ground under the bed, signaling for them to search there.

Shuffling, they got on their hands and knees, I presumed, and began to search through the items underneath. It was deadly silent for a few seconds before they backed out and ran out of the room in a hurry.

Clueless and fighting to breath through my nose, I listened to the slight buzz in my ears before closing my eyes once more.

- -

P.O.V. Switch

I was going to kill him. My grip on the package tightened as I read the address slightly washed away by water but still legible.

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