final author note? yes...

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I'm not even sure how or where to begin. (seriously, you'd think i'd just won a prize or somethin'...) I started this as a tiny project, something I would have to do over the summer and into the school year. But as I progressed more and more with each chapter, I realized I couldn't stop.

Myself, speaking from the author's POV, I just couldn't fight the urge to not type a chapter a night. I wanted to put more out there, give what few readers I had a chance to experience the same things I was seeing. 

I can't thank you guys enough for supporting this through and through with your commentary that has cheered me up and made me tear up sometimes. All the constructive criticism that I received was taken and twisted into making improvements, hopefully shown here. I know, there are ALOT of grammatical errors that I may or may not go back to fix later. 

I sometimes find myself re-reading my own stories and thinking 'how high was I when writing this?' 

In all honesty, I'm probs making this a bigger deal than it is hahaha

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still planning on putting a few more stories out before Suga and the rest of BTS find out that I write fan fiction (hopefully), so look out for those if you're interested. Hoodwink is coming out a little better than expected...just kidding, I've still got a while to go on that one. 

Now, like the loser I can sometimes be, I'm always here to clarify anything you guys don't understand. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK!

I really liked writing this one...and i've got another gangster au up my sleeve. 

Now, I leave you with some insight that you probably shouldn't take to heart because I can't be philosophical for shizz-

-the words are merely stains on the screen. your interpretation of them, however, can turn the entire story upside down. trust what your mind is telling you.-



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