chapter twenty six [flurries]

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P.O.V. Switch

'Stand still, I can't get the blood off properly if you keep moving...' I softly wiped away at some of the crimson blood trickling down from a slash on his cheek and his busted lip. Everything was either bruised or discolored, but there was nothing much I could do.

'Are you sure you should even be out of bed? Aren't you still sick?' He moved back slightly, eyeing me as I placed the bloodied rag into the wash basin again and wrung the excess water from it.

'I'm feeling much better now, don't worry about me.' As to contradict what I said, a cough escaped my lips. It seemed such a shame that someone whose face seemed to be so soft and pale could be be beaten so badly.

'Was this fight really necessary? You didn't need to prove a point, he already knows he's losing. So why...?'

'I didn't initiate it, he swung first.' He let out a hiss of pain, contorting his face to avoid the water from making any contact with the open wounds.

'Just look at yourself Yoongi...' Throwing down the rag, I stared at him in exasperation. 'You're feeding his will, you're giving him what he wants. It was just food poisoning. I could understand if rat poison were placed inside the box, but it wasn't.' My voice cracked off towards the end as I choked on the tears that threatened to come out.

'Please don't cry El, please.' Leaning back onto the bed, he closed his eyes as to not look at me while a few leaked out from my eyes.

I stood and angrily wiped them away, walking over to the coat rack and taking off a large sweater.

'I need some air.' Without saying anything else, I stepped out of his room, closing the door behind me and heading towards the stairs leading down. As I reached the bar, several of the employees were conversing in hushed tones, glancing at me every so often.

My feet led me to the entrance and outside into the cold, winter air. My breath hitched as I caught sight of the white flakes that began to fall from the heavy clouds above. It was finally snowing in the city of Han.

I continued to walk down the streets, not exactly sure where my destination was but merely following where my dizzy state took me.

Most would believe it to be unwise to come out into the harsh weather, especially after overcoming the horrible stomach pangs and fevers, but the snow felt cool against my aching head.

I hadn't been looking up and consequently, I crashed into a taller figure. Stumbling back, I looked up and my eyes met the one person I'd wanted to see.

Jungkook was surely a sight for sore eyes. In his over sized petticoat and worker boots, I nearly mistook him for a normal pedestrian. He seemed just as surprised as I was, widening his eyes.

'What are you doing out here? Are you feeling better already?'

Nodding my head, I stuffed my hands into the pockets of the sweater. 'I just needed some fresh air, I hadn't breathed any in for a while...'

Smiling, he looked up slightly at the illumination of the glowing street lamps above us.

'Where are you going, Jeon?'

He immediately tensed, looking around before speaking in a low voice.

'I was going to come visit you, to see if you were alright. But, I figured Yoongi would be back by this time, so I ended up wandering around the city.'

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, letting out a puff of air.

'How's Yoongi? He put up quite a fight earlier. Konant had to break them up but even she hadn't left unharmed. I went to visit their office and found out that Taehyung was the one who sent the package, so Yoongi followed him out afterwards and they got into a scuffle near the office, before I could even reach them.'

'I know, he told me everything. He's alright although his face is a bit bruised...'

'Want to take a walk with me?' He stretched out his hand to offer it to me. I hesitated, contemplating on whether I should follow him or return to the club. Either way, I realized that I wouldn't return until later and placed my palm in his.

Pleased by my company, he led the way down several more streets and we finally reached the area where the metropolitan part of the city and downtown had met. Shacks and tiny shops morphed into tall skyscrapers and tall office buildings. The night life in the city was always bustling with younger people who came out to cafes or late night book shops.

As we entered a large park with lots of trees and a large marble fountain, he veered us both towards a wooden park bench. The view of the slushy water emitting from the fountain chilled me slightly as I hugged my sweater closer to my body.

'El, can I ask you something?' Seeming to be lost in his own thoughts, he turned his head to look at me.

I met his gaze expectantly. 'Go ahead.'

'Do you love Yoongi?'

My jaw slackened and I opened it to reply quickly, only to shut it again. I didn't understand how that was relevant to anything we had previously been talking about or what he could possibly get out of it. I could only offer my honest answer.

'I don't know...I don't suppose I love anyone at the moment.' Sighing, my breath created a white puff that traveled and disappeared into the snowy atmosphere.

'Do you want to hear a secret? I promised not to tell, but I don't think I can hold it in any longer.' A tiny smile formed on the corner of his lips.

'What is it? I eagerly straightened up, earning a laugh from him.

'Yoongi told me that the only reason he fought back was so that you could both be bedridden together. It was all so you wouldn't be lying there in pain alone.' Jungkook crinkled his nose and looked away at the couples and children walking by us.

I had never felt more guilty than at that moment. Standing up, I shot him a quick look before walking back towards the way we came.

'Where are you going?' His voice called after me in confusion.

'I have to go back!,' I yelled in return before sprinting off in the night.


written at 1:51 am while listening to bieber's mistletoe (pls don't kill me)

i want christmas already man



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