36. Now he can't say that You Just Got Loki'd

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(Loki is online)

Loki: So, our new house member needs a little welcoming present. Well hope he likes it. Because he can't return it!

(Loki has logged off laughing his head off)

(Vision is online)

Vision: What was that weird noise? It sounded slightly like a dying cow but almost like a laughter!

(Pietro is online)

Pietro: Hi Vision! That was a fun tea yesterday right? Though Wanda didn't look awfully pleased with Thor and I!

Vision: Oh dear, I could tell!

Pietro: Anyways, wanna come with me to this awesome place called shwarma?? IT'S THE BEST RESTAURANT EVER!

Vision: I'd be glad to join you for a meal, my friend!

Pietro: F-friend?? *dies of joy* I HAVE A FRIEND!

Vision: I do believe that we are all friends no matter what we say or do to each other.

Pietro: Oh yeah! *smiles* FRIEND!

Vision: Err - anyways, let us head off to this lovely place you speak of!

Pietro: Oh ok! Let's go!

Vision: *opens door*

Pietro: BUCKET ON THE DOOR! *runs to push Vision*

(Loki is online)

Loki: MAN! That bucket of water was meant to land on you! Now it's on me!

Vision: Playing tricks on others is not a good idea, my friend.

Loki: FRIEND? Bah!

Pietro: But really, Loki, if you wanna play tricks, a bucket of water on a door is really cheesy and lame!

Loki: Gah! I'm gonna clean myself up, you pathetic mortals!

(Loki has logged off)

Vision: I'm sorry that was...odd. Thank-you.

Pietro: Don't mention it *nudges Vision* FRIEND!

Vision: Okay...

Pietro: Anyways! Let's head to shwarma now!

(Pietro and Vision have logged off)

At shwarma

Vision: This food is rather lovely!

Pietro: I know right! Let's have some more food! Waiter!

(Waiter that Rules The World is online)

Waiter that Rules The World: WHAT MORTAL FOOD DO YOU WANT HUH?

Vision: Umm...are you alright, my friend?

Waiter that Rules The World: HEY I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND!

Pietro: 0.0

Waiter that Rules The World: I mean, umm what may I get you?

Vision: What happened to the waiter before?

Waiter that Rules The World: What oh him? I mean err - he's not tied up in the bathroom at all!

Pietro: Okay...then...one chicken veal wrap with curry sauce then.

Vision: I'll have a lamb wrap with tomatoes and lettuce please, my friend.

Waiter that Rules The World: I'M NOT YOUR FRIEND!! *cough* I mean, sure.

(Waiter that Rules The World has logged off)

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