70. Bruce and the Community Centre

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A/N- Hi guys! So, I've been thinking. Bruce deserves way more recognition than I'e been putting in this fan fiction so I'm making a whole passage about him! It might take several chapters and then if there's any character you think I should add more, I'll try my best to make a chapter about them. That's if I think they deserve more spotlight time!


(The Avengers are online)

Tony: So what are we all doing today?

Natasha: Nothing.

Steve: Nothing.


Wanda: Nothing.

Pietro: Nothing.

Vision: Not much today, Mr Stark.

Tony: Nothing too.

Bruce: Going down to the community centre.

Steve: Really? Why?

Bruce: I take yoga classes there to calm my nerves and because I signed up to help out in some clubs and programs. 

Wanda: Really? Which ones?

Bruce: Monday is Junior Kids Arts and Crafts Day. Tuesday is Environment Club. Wednesday is cooking day. Thursday is Story Hour. Friday is Science and Maths Club. Saturday is Charity Day. Sunday is yoga class day.

Tony: I prefer the club on Friday.

Vision: I quite agree, Mr Stark.

Pietro: Meh, they look lame. So glad I'm not going.

Steve: I wouldn't mind helping out but I can't.

Natasha: Too shy or too scared.

Steve: Too busy!

Clint: Cheep! I could go with my Best Bro if he wants me to.

Bruce: #0_0#

Wanda: Hey Bruce, if it's Sunday why aren't you at yoga class?

Bruce: That doesn't start until afternoon but I need to tell you all something.


Bruce: Uh...................... I kinda said that the Avengers will attend some of the clubs or classes..............


Tony: Yeah, Bruce! What?

Bruce: It was an accident! They made a roster saying which day you guys are coming!

Steve: What does it say, Bruce?

Bruce: *breathes* Natasha and Clint are coming on Monday. Wanda and Vision are on Tuesday. Tony is coming on Wednesday. Pietro is coming on Thursday. Steve is coming on Friday. Thor is coming on Saturday. We are all attending yoga on Sunday.

Everyone: WHAT????????????????????????

Bruce: Sorry, guys. It was an accident. They were pressuring me to bring the Avengers and I couldn't find an excuse with them yapping in my face so I said yes. Sorry.

Tony: Why couldn't you at least give me the Science and Maths Club?

Bruce: You think I MADE the rosters?

Natasha: Well, you got us into this mess!

Bruce: If you don't want to go, go down to the community centre yourself and tell them you're not coming. I can't handle this heat.

Pietro: Yeah, I think I will. Wanda, you coming?

Wanda: Uh.......actually, I think I'm fine with going to the Environment Club. On Tuesday. With Vision.

Vision: Really? 

Wanda: Yeah. *flutters eyelids*


Clint: Yeah! I don't wanna do arts and crafts! Hey Bruce, is there an archery club?

Bruce: No, but they have darts night on Tuesdays.

Clint: SIGN ME UP! Cheep!


Bruce: Every week we help out with a different charity. This week we're going to do a bake sale to raise money for Midtown High School's science program. 


Bruce: I guess so. The cooking class is baking it all for us and we do the selling.

Tony: I'm in the cooking class! *rubs hands together* This is gonna be fun! *evil laughter*

Bruce: Tony, this is for charity. Don't mess it up.

Pietro: Fine, I won't cancel the roster. But I get to pick the book to read for Story Hour. Who are we reading it to?

Bruce: Toddlers and children.

Pietro: Aww man!

Vision: Well, my friend, who did you expect to be reading to?

Pietro: FRIEND? I have a - oh screw it.

Wanda: That's right, Pietro!

Steve: Can I switch to the Environment Club?

Natasha: *winks Why Steve? Wanna be paired up with a special somebody?? 

Steve: In your dreams.

Clint: Cheep! I'm glad I'm paired up with Nat and my Best Bro!!!!

Bruce: Uh..... #0_0#

Clint: What?

Bruce: Nothing.

A/N- So the Bruce and the Community Centre adventures will continue!

If there is a character you guys would like to see more, Peppa, Jane, Coulson, Fury, Maria, ANYONE, please tell me!

Wattpad Story Recommendation of the Day/Week/Update: Avengers Preferences by peculiarbeing. It features all the Avengers, Bucky and Loki! The preferences and one-shots are just hilarious!!!!!! Some are romantic and cute, some are full of action and drama, some are just full of pure laughs. Either way, read it!!!!!!


Lotsa love,



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