Chapter 10

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Surprisingly, fighting Carter in the charity event actually gave me a new respect for the guy. As we played pool, we were actually having fun & we had this camaraderie, now, that went a little deeper than it had gone before. I could actually call him my friend, now & I was glad. He was a decent guy & now that I knew there wasn't anything going on with him & Demi or would be going on with them, I could let down my guard & be his friend.

I waited for Carter to take his shot & glanced over at Delta & Demi, who had gone up to the bar to get more drinks, I assumed. I smiled, seeing them talk, but my smile quickly faded when I saw Demi's expression turn angry, then I saw her pull her arm back & land a punch right on Delta's left eye. I sat there, stunned for a second, then Carter must have heard the commotion because he turned just in time to see Delta on the floor. He ran over & I followed him, both of us getting there at the same time so we could help her stand up.

"What the fuck happened?" I yelled out as I squatted at Delta's side. I held onto Delta as she tried to stand. I looked over at Carter as Delta seemed to be holding onto my shoulder for balance. Carter looked as confused as I was. "Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" I asked Delta, who, quickly, shook her head.

"I'm fine. I used to box in my spare time, so I'm used to it." Delta said, her voice sounding amused.

Carter was shaking his head like he still couldn't believe what had happened. "What happened? Did Demi hit you?" He asked. I guess he didn't turn around quick enough because he missed the part where Demi hit Delta. 

Delta looked at me, then at Carter & she looked down, bashfully. "Yea. I was just joking around & said I was going to get you all liquored up & have fun with you tonight." Her eyes lifted to look at Carter, whose eyebrows shot up. "I'm not sure why it upset her. If I was joking or not, she seemed so defensive over Carter."

I felt myself become jealous hearing this. I know Demi cared about Carter, but this seemed more about her being possessive over him & not wanting him to move on. Delta wrapped her arm around Carter's neck as he helped her to sit down & I turned around to say something to Demi, but didn't see her anywhere. 

I walked fast toward the door of the bar & headed outside, looking around in a panic, when I didn't see her right away. I called out her name a few times, then started walking down the sidewalk, looking all over the parking lot. As I got to the end of the sidewalk, I saw her standing against a light pole. Her head was turned away from me, so she didn't see me walk up until I cleared my throat. I saw her rubbing her knuckles & she sighed, at the same time I sighed with relief that I found her.

 I saw her rubbing her knuckles & she sighed, at the same time I sighed with relief that I found her

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Did you come out here to yell at me for hitting her?" She asked in a snarl as she rolled her eyes.

"Yell at you? Why would I yell at you? I came to see if you were okay." I said as I reached for her hand. "Your hand okay?" I asked & she nodded. "I was a little impressed by your contact. Your form, too. You used what I taught ya." I smirked up at her & she didn't look amused. "Why did you hit her?" I choked on the question since I was afraid of her answer.

Surrender to Love (Sequel to A Fighting Chance- Nemi)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin