Chapter 32

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I was trying not to panic, as I observed all the brake lights, in my sights, that indicated a traffic jam, which was keeping me from getting Demi to the hospital. My heart was racing as I gripped the steering wheel, cursing under my breath. I looked over at Demi, who wasn't crying out, in pain, as loudly as she had been a few minutes earlier. "You okay?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

Demi nodded, quickly. "The pain is starting to subside."

"Good.... Dammit. We're barely moving. I need to do something." I let out a loud sigh, then scowled out the windshield. "Hang in there. It's probably just those Braxton Hicks contractions."

"You know about those?"

"I told you I had a lot of free time, so I read a lot & I read about them in one of the books I read."

"I'm impressed once again." Demi said, her voice a little strained.

I inched the car forward a few feet, then stopped because I wasn't going any further, any time soon. I sighed, heavily, then saw a police car off to the side of the road, that I was on. I got as close to the police car as I could, then looked at Demi. "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if this cop can do anything." I smiled at her, put the car in park, then got out.

When I explained to the cop what was going on, he called for another officer to help us out of the traffic. It helped a great deal & we were pulling up to the hospital ten minutes later, just in time for Demi to get hit by another wave of contractions. I stood off to the side as a few male hospital employees helped Demi into a wheelchair, then followed them inside.

I kept out of the way of the doctors & nurses that came in to check Demi. I was relieved that they were being so quick, to figure out what was going on. I waited, patiently, while they asked Demi a million questions, most of them being asked by every single person who came in to examine her. I was actually getting a little annoyed that so many people were seeing my girlfriend's vagina, but we were at a teaching hospital, so I knew this was to be expected. The OB 'on call' doctor was the last one to come in & he smiled, so I felt like Demi would be okay.

"I'm Dr. White." He shook my hand, then turned to shake Demi's. "The pain has subsided since you came in?" He asked her & she nodded. "Good. Well, there aren't any signs that this is active labor or even preterm labor, so it's probably Braxton Hicks contractions, which sometimes can get very painful. Often times they can be confused with real contractions, especially for first timers, which, I see that you are."

I let out a little relieved breath, then smirked down at Demi, who rolled her eyes at me, since I was right about the contractions & she knew I was wanting to gloat. "Are they going to keep being this strong until the end?" Demi asked, her voice high.

Dr. White shook his head, frowing. "They shouldn't. These kind of contractions are because your uterus is stretching & preparing for the baby growing, in size, & also getting your body ready for real labor. When you feel them, try changing your position. If you're walking, sit down, if you're sitting down, try standing up. This usually helps with these contractions & also they shouldn't last very long & they shouldn't happen often. If they are painful for more than fifteen minutes or come & go every few minutes for more than an hour, then come back to the ER or call your doctor. If you feel the pain in your lower back or feel pressure in the groin area, go to the ER, immediately. Do you have any other questions?" Dr. White asked, slipping his hands into his coat pockets.

"I don't think so." Demi replied, shrugging as she looked at me. "How about you? Do you have questions or did you get all your information from those books you were reading?" She asked me, with a tiny smirk making her lip tremble, in amusement.

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