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Its been three months since that night and life has changed. I finished my final audition abd have a full scholarship to Camden. Which is my dream school. Malachi is recovering he's attending physical therapy for his legs. I should probably tell you what happened three weeks ago, where we left off.


I was crying on Malachi's lifeless body wanting and pleading him to come back to me, for him not to leave me. Just when I thought he was gone, he opened his eyes. Nick rushed through the alley way with the car. Quan, Kev and Duke lifted him into the car while I sat holing his head praying. When we got to the hospital Malachi was rushed to the ICU where after 2 surgeries in one night they finally said he would live. Three bulets severed his Liver while two hit his collar bone. His legs were both fractured and he was really banged up. I sat everyday in the hospital room holding his hand and talking,*End of Flashback* but yesterday Malachi was finally able to leave the hospital. I know fast right, but the doctor said he's a fighter and he's right Malachi is. He is recovering a lot faster than anyone expected even me and I'm always with him. The only time I leave his side is when I go to school, but since its summer vacation and I've graduated were thinking of moving in together before I start school in the fall.

My mom did come home, though everybody thought it was best we leave the events that happened unknown and Prissilla told my mom about her pregnancy. It didn't fo over well. At first, we tried to hide it from her, but Silla was starting to show at three months so telling her was the only option. My mom wasn't pleased that her sixteen yeae old was pregnant, but luckily our mom is supportive and she is actually really happy to have a grandchild on the way. Nick is stepping up and evem claiming the baby which is big for Prissilla. They got together two months ago and Nick treats my sister like a princess, he won't let anyone around her stomach and he pays for everything so she doesn't have to worry. When the baby comes they're even thinking about moving in together,but that's some months off.

Kaylee and Kev live together now, he's been around a lot more than before if Mal needs it Kev gets it no if, ands, or buts. Same with me, Kev or Quan pick me up and take me places and when they can't Duke will. Malachi orders it since he can't do it himself. Duke and I have grown too, he's like my brother I know if I need to vent I can go to Duke and feel safe yet comfortable. I think Malachi thinks theres a thing between Duke and I, but I love Malachi he has my heart.

I'm at Malachi's now and I love being with him and I've been staying at his house since my mom went on another business trip and Prissilla is at Nick's.



"Malachi?" I say walking up the stairs. We've been staying at Malachi's house in Remmington. Its the only one I really feel safe in plus its not that far from Kingsonton. About a 45 minute drive.

"I'm in here baby" he said from the other room.

I walked in and saw Malachi on his cruches reaching to get a box out of his closet.

"Here baby let me get it for you" I went to get the box down when Malachi turned and put his hand up.

"No" he said angrily

"Babbe just let me get the box I don't want you to-"

"Damn it Lena! I said No! I'm not the crippled nigga everyone thinks I am. I can do it myself!" I was hurt by his words and I guess he saw.

I went and sat on the bed laying back looking at the ceiling.

"Lena.... Alena I'm sorry" said Malachi coming over to me laying down next to me on the bed.

"Ok" I said not looking at him.

"Alena... Look at me baby please I'm sorry. I know you just wanted to help but damn, I want to be a man for you and show you that I'm not a weak nigga. You have seen me at my lowest and I never want you to see that again. I want to be the strong protector you need."

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