I can't

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It was Wednesday and I was cleaning up the house.I wouldn't say I'm a clean freak but My mom always told me "If my eye can see it, it shouldn't be" so I live by that. I don't want no one saying I live in a nasty ass house, but after I finished cleaning I took a shower and got out. After I lotioned I got into some black shorts and pink shirt and pink Custom made Jordan's to match. Mal bought them for me even though I told him not too. He says he wants me fly just like him,but I decline.

After I came downstairs I weny and made some food. Malachi is out working with Kev and Quan. Even though I hate what Mal does I can't front and lie,he does pay the bills. He gives me anything and I mean Anything I want. He even told me I don't need to work,but I'm not that type so with some pleading he finally let me get a job, nothing big just at Wet Seal.

After I made some Panini's and salad I got a knock on the door and I already knew who it was. Kaylee walked in and I hugged her. She ild me she had something important to tell me and she knows I'm here for her.

"Here lets eat on the patio it beautiful outside" I said.

Kaylee followef and we dug in, "Damn Lena you always knew how to cook." she said with a stuff mouth. I just laughed and thanked her.

"So girl how are? What's been going on?" I asked eating salad.

Kaylee's face fell and I immediately knew something was wrong.

"What happened?" I say sitting my fork down looking at her.

"Its Kev... I think he's cheating on me... well actually I know he is."

"What do you mean? Kev loves you, you know that "

"I know, but he cheated and I know he did.. Lena I have proof"

Kaylee took out her phone and showed me some pictures of a girl, "Who's this?" I asked feeling shocked and worried.

"That's Veronica.. she claiming she's pregnant with Kev's baby and its eating me up inside because I know he slept with her."

"How do you know?" I asked moving closer to her.

"Well Kev and I have been fighting because Lena after what I saw with you and Mal I've been scared that Kev would be hurt,but you know his hard headed ass. He think in invincible, but one day we got into a really bad fight and he left and I stayed up all night and when he came home he didn't look at me just hung his head in shame and went for the shower. I knew then that he cheated on me. Hes been so different he doesn't kiss me anymore, and he barely says I love you and Lena we haven't made love in over 3 months and then out of the blue yesterday I get a text from this bitch claiming she's three months pregnant with Kev's baby and that she wanted him to step up and be a man and take care of his." Kaylee looked at me and started crying, "Lena connect the dots that's his baby" she said heavy tears flowing down her eyes.

"Kaylee everything will be ok, you hear me. We will get through this together, you and Kev will fix this-"

"That's just it Lena there's no fixing this, I wanted to be the mother of his child.. I wanted to be his wife and the only woman he loves and look he cheated on me,because I wanted him safe. That just shows that we don't know what love is! You maybe,but I will never know what love id because everything man I turn around and love end up hurting me!"

"Kaylee, Kev does love you! He would die for you! He would do anything for you, he just made a mistake but it doesnt mean he doesn't love you. You two have had love for each other for three years which is a lot longer thank Mal and I's 11months. I know your pissed,but just talk to him. Hear him out, if at the end you can't forgive and you don't love him after that then I will understand but don't throw away three years because of some trick!"

I followed her out the door and she was in tears and angry.

"Lena I CAN'T! I can't and I won't I'm done with him and you know what I'm done with you!" I stood there stunned and I felt a tear slide down my face, "What? I said slowly.

"Everything has been about YOU these past 11 months, Oh protect kings girl... you... Don't have anything happen to king love...you ... everyone was there for you, all you had to do was smile and you have what you want and my man is wrapped around your damn finger. You know what Lena I'm tired of it!" she saif throwing up her hands.

"So your saying its my fault your man cheated on you and had some other bitch pregnant?!" I immediately took back the words that left my mouth.

"No Lena its not your fault, you are my problem you think your relationship is so goody goody and that Kingg won't hurt you too, well let me tell you something it will only be a Matter of time when he won't want you anymore! He will get tired of your ass and be hitting another bitch up and just when you think you've found your prince his frog will roll up claiming shhe pregnant and your dumb ass will be here alone." The words she said cut deep, and I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

"Get out" I said and she had sad look on her face, she slipprd on her glases and walked out the door. I ran immediately up the stairs crying and I called Malachi.

"Hey baby"

"Malachi come home" I said in between sobs.

"Lena! What happened?! What's wrong!"

"Malachi I'm... I'm fine just come home please don't rushe or anything I just want you home."

He softened his tone, "Baby ill be there in a bit"

"Thanks Mal... I love you" I said still crying a bit.

"I love you too. Stop crying L I'm coming baby"

"Ok" I said as I hung up. I just sat there curled up. I was angry and mad, but how could it be my fault.... then another thing slipped in my mind was Kaylle right? Was it only a matter of time before Mal leaves me and loves some other girl? I broke down and cried again burying my face in my pillow.



I didn't mean to say what I said to Lena. Damn how could I be so selfish, but I was mad. She's been through so much and I just added on to it. Lena was right I can't throw away everything I have with Kev... its just that I'm so hurt. I wanted to be the mother of his child have his first, I wanted to be the wife and have my family,but I guess that's all gone now. I'm just angry with myself because I just drove my best friend away and I know I have to make things right with Lena. I already lost my man, the love of my life but I can't lose my best friend, my sister either.




Ohhhhh mmmm so Kaylee, what is up with her? Also do you guys think Mal would ever cheat on Lena? Hmmm interesting... but what about thia Veronica chick do yall really think that's Kev's baby? We shall see soon. Sorry for my mistakes and VOTE,VOTE,VOTE! Comment and Fan me lol and until next time ~Ery<3

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