Girls Night

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I was at Kay's house playing with my nephew.

"Aren't you a itty bitty baby? Huh? Yess you are! Oh yess you are! Who's the prettiest baby in thr WHOLE wide world!? You arreee, who? Baby Nicoli!" I said talking in my baby voice.

"Stop doing that Lena everytime you get around Nicoli you spoil him" said Silla pulling him out of my hold.

"Silla stop acting like that, hes my nephew and god child I will spoil his little cute self all I want" I said kissing his cheek.

"Alright then I can't wait till your baby comes mmm Imma send him or her home so sugar rushed" she saif laughing

"You funny " I said with a blank look.

"I know but where's Kay at? I thought we were having a girls day"

"Ummm I don't know, she said she was bringing someone" Just as I said that here comes Kaylee walking in with a my height Brazilian girl with gold hair. She was beautiful, she had a small nose ring and her light damn near white complexion was great for her. She was curvy in the right places she had enough ass and boobs for days yet her mid section was itty bitty.

"Hey girls, this is Zulu. Her and Quan are together and well I thought it was time she met all of the group. "

"Hi" she said softly waving.

"Heyy" said Silla getting up to give her a hug and I did the same.

"So how long have you and Quan been together" I asked looking into her brown eyes.

"For about 7 months we've been taking it slow" she said smiling.

In my head I think I like her,but I just can't shake this feeling that there is more about this girl. Ill have my eye on her.

"Awwe your baby is adorable, can I hold him" she asked her eyes lighting up.

"Sure" said Silla handing over Nicoli to Zulu. Zulu just held him and played with him like he was hers.

"Do you have any children?" asked Silla.

"No but I want a baby.... how about you guys." she asked

"No and ain't trying to" said Kaylee which got us laughing.

"I'm expecting my first" I said holding my stomach smiling.

"You guys are lucky" she said smiling .

"Alright enough about talking about kids lets get into some girl time 101" said Kaylee coming back in with popcorn and drinks.

"Well Ill start ooo Nick might get me pregnant again said Silla" I hit her arm.

"Prissilla you are only 17 and you just had one baby get pregnant again and see what happens."

Don't get me fucked up I love Nick and Silla being together and I love my nephew but she's too young to be having all these kids. I could tell myself the same,but I'm in college and and going somewhere my sister is going to graduate next year but still she doesn't need to be a high school graduate with two kids!

"Well tell Nick to become terrible in bed" she said with wink."

"Oooo you nasty girl" said Kaylee eating popcorn.

"How's he with the baby?" said Zulu

"Oh Nick is great every Friday well except for today because he had business to attend to he takes baby Nick. He calls it Daddy son day and I swear he gets more and more attached as the days go by." said Silla

"See yall the reason, why Kev been asking me to make him a little man. I have to make sure a nigga put on a condom before giving me pleasure." said Kaylee eating more popcorn.

"That's the least of Quans worries that man just comes home and wants to have sex all the time. That's why I'm on the pill" said Zulu drinking a class of Lemonade.

"Yeah Quan always has been the fucking type" said Kaylee downing her's.

I know you guys are like its January amd were downing Lemonade, well we live in Texas where it stays hot af year round except your ocasion weather glitch other than that I can do tee and jeans all year and feel fine but anyway.

"How about you Lena" asked Kaylee.

"Well Malachi is really worried a lot like next week we find out tje sex of the baby and I swear if I'm not having a girl that man will hurt himself. He says he just wants to be a better father than his and he doesn't want a son because he doesn't want his son to teavel in his footsteps. I on the other hand want a son but we finally picked out names." I said happy

"Ooo tell us" said Silla.

"Well if its a boy he will be Malachi Jr. and if its a girl her name will be Jellissa"

"Awee thats cute I hope you have a girl we have to many men inhabiting our circle" said Kaylee

"Well mmm if Nick keeps its up you might get a girl" said Silla laughing again.

"Eww, just stop!" I said.

We talked for a few more hours about the guys and about how we all were doing. Zulu though i just can't shake this feeling I have about her. She spoke always briefly and never really told us a lot she's just one of those listeners. My only question is who is she listening for?



"You get any information?"

"Yes Paige I got some but only briefly those girls change up a lot"

"Well spit it out girl"

"Well Kaylee and Kev are strong but Kev wants a baby and Kaylee ain't having it. Silla and Nick are really really strong I'm still looking for a weakness and well Malachi and Lena are my rocky two. Malachi wants Lena to have a girl no boy and lena wants a boy. Also Malachi is getting shaky and worried about the baby so I think that by pushing him to thr brink will leave him skipping town which means you jump back in and Make Lena yours." said Zulu

"Well that sounds good and I want Lena I just don't want Malachi's child in her"

"Paige I swear if you hurt that baby!" said Zulu

"I'm not a baby killer, it never aked to have punk ass Malachi as a daddy and well once I'm done the only person that baby calling daddy is me."

"What are you going to do" said Zulu looking at me.

"Exactly what I told you Id do... I'm going to kill Malachi"






Sooo another chapter and well I'm sorry I haven't been updating guys my writers block sucks but I actually am getting my groove back. Also Will Paige really kill Malachi? What about Lena and the baby? Questions, Questions :) Furthermore excuse my mistakes and VOTE,VOTE,VOTE LIKE VOTE VOTE VOTE GUYS!! Comment and Fan me please and whil your reading this please go read my mew book "The Streets Hold Me." Its intense and nothing like this book I mean it has love but the action is going to be wicked so anyway I've talked enough and until next time~Ery<3

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