It's...It's a...

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~3 months later~ 

"Aweee Silla, you got him the cutest onesie" I said looking at the polkadot blue onesie. Todays my baby shower and to say that I'm excited to not be preganat anymore is an understatemnt. I am as big as a whale and If I get any bigger I will litterally pop. 

"Lena you know I got you, my nephew wont be caught in anything less than fly" she said smiling taking more pictures. 

"My son wont need to be fly, he will have brains and respect which will get him women." I said wrapping the gifts up back up. 

"Or he can be as sexy as his daddy" said Malachi walking past me smiling. I playfully hit him and looked at all my friends.

Things have looked up, Kev and Kaylee are getting married. I know shocked, well I was even more shocked when I first found out too, but I'm happy for her and Kev really is her soulmate. Silla and Nick are stronger than ever, rasing baby Nicoli has brought them closer and they are talking about moving our of Kingston after Silla finishes high school this upcoming year. Quan is looking up, Zulu woke up two weeks after what happened and she is luckily doing great. Quan is making arrangements to get Zulu out of here once shes medically able too. Then there is Malachi and I, we are growing close each day. Yes, we are still not together, but we are building ourselves first so that when we are back together we willl not only be happy for ourselves, but for our son too. 

"When are you due for again Lena?" asked Kev from the corner. 

"I'm due in two weeks on June 20th, I hope he wants to come sooner though" I said rubbing my over grown bellly. Just as I touched it I felt a sharp pain, I winced alittle. 

"You alright Lena?" asked Malachi coming over to me. 

"Yes I'm fine your son just likes to play soccer in my stomach" I said feeling the pain again. 

"You sure?" he said rubbing my back. I just nodded my head, putting my hair into a high ponytail ignoring the pain. 

"I think I just need to go walk and repostiton him alittle" I said taking Malachi's hand helping me up. Just as I got up I felt a rush of pain and the urge to pee. 

"Her water broke!" I heard Kaylee said as she came to my side. I looked down to see a pussle of water under me and another shap pain in my stomach again. "Ahh" I said feeling it even worse than before. 

"Silla go get her bag! Malachi help me get her to the car. Everyone else dont just stand the fuck there get up and come on!" said Kaylee who was ushering me out. 

Malachi placed me in the backseat and I just leaned on him, "It hurst so bad" I said out loud. He held my hand tigher and kissed my head. "It'll be ok" was all he could manage to whisper.

We were at the hospital in a matter of minutes and all the rest of what happened was a blur. I remember the doctor talking to me. 

"Alena, I need you to push for me. Ready? One... Two... Three... Push!" I did what I was told and just held onto Malachi's hand and pushed. Before I knew it I heard crying and people cheering and clapping. 

"It's a girl !" I heard the doctor say. I looked over to Malachi who was just as speachless as me. I took my daughter into my arms and stared into her big brown eyes. It was like I was looking at Malachi. She has his nose and eyes, though she has my smile and dimples. Her skin tone is a rich choclate a mixture of Malachi and I's and she was just beautiful. 

I looked up to Malachi, "What should we name her?" I asked. We didnt really bother on deciding girl names because we both thought we were having a boy. 

"Mallory Rose Jones" was all he said. It was his mothers names and well I wouldnt have her name any other way. 

"I love it" I said smilling up at him. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked. He nodded and I carefully put Mallory in his arms. I saw him instantly fall in love, as soon as his eyes met hers. I just smiled and watched them, when there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in" I said and in came everyone and their momma. 

"Omg a little girl I have to re shopping and get pink !" said Kaylee trying to take her out of Malachi's unready arms. 

"I had a feeling, there wasnt no boy in you." said Kev hugging me tight. 

"What's her name?" asked Silla holding her littler hand. 

Before I could answer Malachi did, "Mallory- Her name is Mallory Rose Jones" 

Everyone smiled as Kev and Quan gathered to hug Malachi. Malachi had hot tears flowing down his face, he really did miss his mom and naming his first child who happened to be a girl her name was something he will always hold special to him. 

"Well whos Mallory's god parents?" asked Zulu looking at me. I smiled and looked around at all their faces and smiled wide. 

"You all are. Your all her aunts and uncles, when Malachi and I cant be there I know one of you all will be able too. Plus I know Duke and Malachi's mother is watching over her, nothing can hurt her."

Everyone smiled and things were peacful, that is until Kaylee blurted out," Well Mallory knows I'm the best auntie" and all hell broke loose. 

Who knew they could all fight over a baby? I looked over to Malachi who was still holding Mallory in his arms. With one life lost someone new is brought to  you, I can see new hope for everyone. Mostly Malachi he now has a real reason to change and its the 7 pound, 8 ounce little girl hes holding in his arms. 











Thought I was gone didnt you ? Nope aha I really hope you likes this chapter, I wanted some happiness. I will be updating more and The Love We Found is almost over guys :( I can predict five more chapter and maybe a sequal, well see. In the mean time in between time. You need to vote this up and get yourself mentally ready for next chapter. Shit is about to get Wild, lets just say Paige doesnt like the fact that Zulu is still alive or the fact that Malachi is still around. Please stick it out with me and until next time:)


*Excuse My Mistakes :?/

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