Love and War (part 1)

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Lena POV:

I just finished showing Kaylee and the girls out. I put Mallory up for bed and stared to make the climb up the stairs to check on her. I got up to her crib and she wasn't in there. My heart immediately dropped into my stomach as the panic set in.

"Mallory!... Mallory where are you!!" I said the tears flooding down when I turned to leave her room I saw him with her in her arms.

"Give me my daughter!" I screamed running forward when I felt someone grab me. I started to panic.

"Let me go! Let me go" I screamed. Mallory stared to fuss as her screams filled the air.

"Give me her please, Please don't hurt my baby please!" I begged.

"Listen and listen slowly. Your going to shut your fucking mouth or things won't be so easy. Were not here to hurt you Lena. I'm going to give you two instructions of you run. I will not hesitant to shoot you and this beautiful little girl. You understand?" he asked. " I nodded my head my eyes on Mallory.

"Good girl, now go get the babys bag and the baby's coat."

I walked into the room and got Mallory's coat and baby bag bringing it out. The other man handed her to as I slipped her coat on. I held her close to me and rocked her.

"Good job, that wasn't hard was it?" asked the man as he rubbed the gun next to my head.

"Now were going to leave here nice and easy. Now Lena for the sake of this beautiful baby girl I wouldn't try anything."

I walked with him down the stairs with the man as he lead me out the backdoor and into a black van with him. I got into the back with Mallory as they locked me inside the other man who stayed quite the whole time got in with me.

The van started and we started moving. I looked around to see where I was being taken but the view of the street was blocked.

"I'm sorry about this" said the man.

I looked at him with anger in. my eyes.

"Your not sorry, its one thing to want me but not my daughter. She hasn't done anything to you or anyone" I said holding Mallory to me tighter.

He nodded his head and looked away.

I sat back for the ride, I don't know where they were taking us but I prayed god to get us out of it. I prayed for Mallory and myself, I also prayed for Malachi to come. I wanted him next to me and I wanted to know things would be better.

Malachi POV:

I heard pounding on my door and I managed to pick myself off my bathroom floor and bandage my hands. I walked to the door and saw Kev and Quan standing there.

"I don't wanna check stash houses man" I said looking down.

"Man this isn't about them fucking houses its about Lena and the baby." said Quan

I looked up with panic in my eyes and I started to lose all I had left.


"Bra we don't know all we have is this. It has your name on it" said Kev handing me the paper I opened it -

"Malachi, You should know that Lena and Mallory are safe. They're with me the man they should have started off with. You may have killed my only family and honestly he deserved to die, but now I'm taking your family so you can feel the hurt I felt for so long. Lena will love me because if I can't have her you won't let alone no other man. Our daughter will be safe with me. Don't come for her because I will kill you Malachi,Ill kill Kev and Quan and ill make sure all your friends suffer .

Remember Malachi boys for life.

- Paige

The past 10 years scrolled back abd I remembered the younger boy who was always around the name Paige became familiar again. Paige was only 8 but he looked up to us. He was Luciano's half brother after Rose was shot Luciano's mom shipped him and Paige away. We left the past in the past,but I guess people can forgive but they never forget.

"Get the men ready now" I said

I balled the paper up as I grabbed my keys.

"Mal where you going!" yelled Quan.

"Meet me with the men!" I yelled as I ran to my car speeding off down the street. I have to make things right. It was always about her, they both came after me because of her. Now I need her to help me fix this before I lose the only things that I love more than my life.

"Lord give me safe passage and forgive me for my sins. Please Please I'm begging you to keep my daughter safe and to please please keep Lena safe as well. Please lord. In your name I pray." I breathed deeply and raced to the cemetery, all the things I've kept in the dark for so long now must come ti the light.





*Sorry for any misspelled words.*



Late night update, lovelys I must tell you that the Love We Found is coming to an end there are about three, maybe four chapeter left. I want to say thankyou for all the love that I've gotten.

I want to say thank you to my new followers and also a thankyou to all the reads!

2,000+ on What's Love

1,000+ on The streets hold me & 900+ on The love we found.

Thankyou! Thankyou. I love you guys.

Ill try and update soon and until next time :)


**P.S. Check out my other books

~The Streets Hold Me

~The Journey



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