Its serious

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I just sat looking at the test in disbelief.

"No, No, No!" I said crying.

"Girl it'll be ok I'm here for you" Said Kay rubbing my back.

"Kaylee I can't, I can't bring a baby into this world" I said crying

"Lena it will be ok look if you have no one you have me and my godson or goddaughter will love you" she said already claiming my unborn child.

My phone went off and I grabbed it.

"Hello" I said in a hoarse voice

"Lena! Its Nick... Baby.... Coming! Come!!"

"Nick I'm coming, I'm coming stay calm tell Silla I'm coming!"

I hung up and dragged Kay and got in the car.

We got to the hospital 30 minutes later and Silla was already in a lot of pain.

"Lena!! Ahhhh" she said gripping my hand.

"Maam she is already dialated so we will need to to exit so we can prepare the mother for the baby's arrival." said the nurse

I looked at Silla and kissed her, "You can do this I know you can, I can't wait to meet baby Nicoli" She hugged me and then let me go and I walked into the lobby and I immediately felt Malachi''s eyes on me. Which brought me back to the fact that I'm pregnant with his baby. I sat next to Kay and she squeezed my knee knowing my nervousness. I just sat there and braced myself because I know tonight will be a long one.

*5 hours*

"Lena wake up!" said Kay shaking me.

"What, what happened" I said in panic.

"Girl your sister and nephew want to meet you" she said smiling.

I got up and went in to see Nick in awe with a beautiful baby boy. I looked at Silla.

"His name is Nicoli Hayden Brown"

"He's named after his father" said Nick kissing baby Nicoli.

"He's so beautiful" I said holding my nephew his skin is the perfect shade of cocoa and he has the most beautiful hazel eyes that I have ever seen. He is the most adorable thing ever he was making little O's with his mouth and he just made my heart flutter.

"Hi baby Nicoli, I'm your auntie. I just want to tell you that you mommy and daddy love you very much and I love you too. No one will ever hurt and if you do just tell me because I will.kick their butts" Everyone started laughing and he yawned which was my sign of his approval.

"Give me my son" said Nick swooping in and kissing baby Nicoli.

"Congratulations Lena and Mal Kay told me the news"

"What news" said Mal looking at me.

I jumped in before Silla could talk, "Were working us out you know getting better" I said. I don't want Malachi to know about the baby at least not now.

Silla caught the hint and just started kissing Baby Nick. I stayed for a couple more hours laughing and talking then we all decided to go leaving the new parents some alone time.

"Yall want to grab something to eat?" asked Quan.

"Yes I'm starving" I said. I actually was really really hungry.

"I bet" said Kay pulling me.

Malachi just watched me and I could tell.

We all went to Applebees and I ordered a plate of fries, a steak and some chickem with mixed vegetables and rice. I ate likr I have never eaten before and everyone was just staring at me, "Lena slow down you eating like you pregnant" said Kev

The Love We FoundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang