Moving On

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I woke up in my new apartment and well it feels empty now. I moved out of Malachi's and moved to a cozy one bedroom near my college campus two hours away.

Its been two months since we've been broken up and well I wont lie and say that I don't miss him because I do. I stilk have my job and i work full time now and am going to school to get my psychology degree.

Things have changed though, Prissilla's baby shower is today baby Nicoli is due any day and well she can't wait to have him out. Kaylee and I are back to how we were it took some weeks but she was there for me and she still is with me.

I decided to get up and get myself together. Its late September and the air is more chilly so I put on some fitting dark blue skinnys and a blue and white stripe button up shirt with black flats. My hair was down and wavy and I looked good. I put on my diamond studs and some little mascara with shimmery lip gloss and grabbed my shades and walet.

I got in my car annd headed over to Target to get my future nephew a girft welk gifts. I stepped out and I wouldn't say I make head turns but this one man well he wouldn't stop staring. I went back to the bavy section and got some bibs, bottles,pampers, clohes and a big set of first parents kit. i grabbed a nice card and bag and made my way when the same man stopped me.

"Um excuse I'm sorry,but I must say you are very beautiful" he said. I lifted my shades and looked up at the strong beautiful man in front of me. His nice carmel complexion suited his clean shaven face with his broad shoulders. I could tell he worked out and his coca brown eyes were hypnotising me on another level. His strong deep voice was calm and cool yet inviting but tempting.

"Hi and thank you" I said smiling.

"I'm Paige" he said reaching his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Lena" I said shaking his hand.

"So baby shower" he said walking with me.

"Yes my sister's " I said getting ready to walk to the register.

"I know I seem weird following you and everything but you are a very beautiful woman and I was hoping if you would love to go get dinner or lunch with me? Maybe a coffee"

I looked away and thought.

"Umm I don't know I just got out of a bad relationship sorry" I said paying and getting my things. I put the things in the back and got in my car. I felt bad turning that very attractive man down, but I don't know if being in another relationship is the best for me.

I heard a soft knock on my window and it was Paige.

"Yes" I said

"Look I'm not some creepy guy that goes following and all but I think you beautiful and all I'm asking for is dinner that's all. Just one dinner with me and after that if you want nothing to do with me then that's fine but please all I'm asking is for a chance."

This man was trying so hard so I agreed.

"Alright one dinner, here give me your phone." I put my number in his phone and he smiled and said he would call me. I drove the two hours to Nicks to get trampled on by Kaylee bringing me into a hug.

"Come on Everyone's out back Silla's been asking for you" she said pulling me inside.

We went to the back and I saw everyone. Silla and Nick were talking while Kev, Quan and Mal were in the corner drinking that is until Mal saw me and his eyes never left me. My mother was with Duke on the grill and other family members were circling Silla.

"Lena! Yay your here" said Silla trying to get up.

"Girl sit down" I said going over to her hugging her tight and hugging Nivk who kissed my head.

"Here you go mommy to be" I said handing over my huge gift.

"Lena you didnt have to" said Nick. "Welk I wanted to my nephew deserves the best." I said smiling.

"Thank you" said Silla kissing my cheek. "Are you alright with Mal being here?" she asked whispering in my ear. I nodded in agreement I didn't have much to say Mal and I are Nicoli's god parents and well that's it. Everyone knows that Mal and I still love each other but until he changes then I can't be with him no matter how much it hurts to not have him.

*3 hours later*

The baby shower was coming to an end after talking and laughing with Silla, Kaylee and the guys I was saying my goodbyes when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see those honey eyes, "Hey" I said.

"Hey uh Lena can I talk to you" He asked I nooded and said goodbye to everyone again and goodnight.

I walked outside to see Malachi by my car waiting for me.

"What's up" I said looking at him.

"Umm how you been."

"I've been great Mal how about you? Is that why you called me out her to ask how I've been?" I asked

"Nah its just that I miss you and Love you just come back to me Lena" he said.

I got in my car, "Are you out the game yet?"

"No" he said

"Have you got your priorities together?"

"I'm getting then straight Lena"

"I've heard that before... Mal are you even trying to grow up and act like a man?"

"I am a man Alena"

"No Malachi your not! You sit here and ask for me back back yet your still doing what you do. Your still acting like you act and you still don't care about anyone but yourself and stop saying you love me and that your a man. Malachi a real man makes good of his promises and he steps up.and does what he is supposed to do. Plus what's really funny is how you think I didn't forget about the girls you have in and out of your house. Yet the funny thing is that everytime your with them you think of me! So please stop Malachi I love you and I have my shit together and I'm waiting on you, when I don't have to be waiting but I am because I love you and I want you yet you can't even try for me. What did we fight for, for a year huh? Where's the love I I fought for? because I don't see it in you right now." I slammed my door and drove away leaving him there. I wanted to cry but I told myself no more tears. Malachi means a lot to me but i wont wait forever. I pulled over and got me some foor from a wawa and ate a twix bar calming my nerves when I got a from a un expexted number.

"Hello" I said

"Hey its Paige"

At first I wasn't even trying to talk to this man and that date was probably not going to happen but now I anything is game.

I love Malachi but I love myself too and here's a man willing to try for me... if only it was the man I love instead of a stranger.




Oooo Lena. Do you think Lena and Paige will be? What about Malachi? Is Duke going to come in the picture? How about baby Nicoli, I'm excited to write his chapter. I hope you guys are liking this and thhere will be more soon. Please excuse my mistakes and VOTE,VOTE,VOTE!! Comment and Fan me :) :) I will update more this is small but important chapter next one will be much longer but until next time~Ery<3

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