The End

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"Malachi please wake up, please for me"


"Malachi please I love you!"

"Lena I'm coming, I'm trying too" I tried to say.

I looked around trying to figure where I am and all I see is black. I don't see anything,

"Malachi" he said in a dark tone.

"Your dead, your voice isn’t real." I said looking around for an escape.

Where am I? I thought

"You’re in hell with me, I told you we'd meet in another life did you not believe me?"

"Luciano you’re not real this is all a dream" I said fighting the darkness.

The light came on and everything was red as the heat picked up, "Malachi ahaha Malachi you’re in hell with me. I told you that our fight wasn't done." said Luciano his dark tone echoing off the wall.

"Malachi please! Please wake up for me, if not for me for Mallory!"

"She needs you Malachi" said Luciano.

"Then let me go to her" I said looking at him with anger in my eyes.

"It’s not that easy, if you want your life back take me out and send me to hell." he said pacing

"We are in hell!" I said looking around.

"No Malachi see were in the space between Heaven and Hell!" The ceiling and floor opened as the two worlds met. The glowing bright light shone up above while the hot lava from below hit my feet.

"I've been here ever since you killed me Malachi and now your here and I realized that your either going to take me out or we go together." he said looking at me.

"I'm going home to my family!" I yelled.

"Well then fight because I'm taking you with me!" he said lunging towards me.

In this world the strength he possesses was something stronger than I could ever grasp.

I felt myself hit the wall diagonal of me my back crushing against it, I fell to the floor all of the wind taken from me in one single blow.

“What’s the matter Malachi? Can’t fight back?” he said lifting me off the ground throwing me to the other side of the room.

I fell on the floor, rolling onto my stomach in pain, “Damn Malachi I thought your ass would fight back.” He said lifting me up.

I felt the blood drip from my lip as I tasted its saltiness. “I guess I'll just end you quickly Mal, it’s such a shame that lovely daughter you have will have to grow up without you.”

“Don’t talk about my daughter” I choked out.

“Hahahaha, I will at least if I take care of you now your daughter won’t have memories of how you put the money and girls before her. She won’t know her father killed people, your daughter won’t have to know you’re a monster!”

I felt as the anger built up and I decked Luciano straight in his face, I kept hitting him until I felt my hand crack.  “Don’t talk about my daughter you piece of shit”

He slowly lifts himself up spitting the blood to his left smiling. “You really thought that weak shit would end me? Malachi you’re going to have to come harder than that”

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