With one life lost, one life is gained

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Everyone is just sitting around crying, four days ago we found Dukes body floating in Kingston bay. I felt anger, sadness and a whole new emotion I have never felt just take over me. Not only was Duke one of my right hand men he was my boy and I know he had my back and Lena's.


I woke up feeling sad, but then again happy. Duke was always there and I trusted him deeply. I could say if Malachi would have never came, I would have been with Duke, but that's all a memory now.

I got up and got ready putting on my black dress pants and a ruffled black shirt that swayed out making room for my 5 month going on 6 month belly.

I curled my hair letting them fall loosely and I wore light makeup just some carmex and some eye shadow.

I put on my black shades and well I was ready to go. Malachi was waiting at my doorstep and he looked nice. Black Armani suit and tie with fresh waves. He looked well cleaned up, but his face looked exhausted and drained. He looked gloomy and dark but I couldn't be mad at him, today he's barrying one of his closest boys, so emotion is expected.

We made our way to the church and the ride was quite, not an awkward quitr but comfortable.

We pulled up infront of the church and were greeted by all of Malachis men, them all dressed nicely for the occasion. Though only the top men wore shades. Malachi, Kev, Quan, and Nick all had dark shades on amd well all of us had shades on too.

Kaylee came up to me and just hugged me. She was in a black long sleeve dress with black pumps with her hair in a long ponytail.

Silla looked prettu too, she was in some black dress pants with a long sleeve fitted lace top with black pumps too her hair was up in a bun and even baby Nick looked cute in just a black onesie and white socks.

We all talked if as if Duke was still here it wasn't until we went into the church did the real crying begin.

I walked up and sat in the first pew and well I just held Malachi's hand. Even though were done for now I can't help to need him at a time like this, I just looked at Dukes's lifeless body in that casket and well I felt tears just slip down my face.

Just a couple of months ago we were having lunch, just last week he was helping Mal set up the baby's crib. I just cried because I knew I wouldn't see his face again, walking around, or feel his strong soft hug. I cried because he was a great person even though he did bad things. I cried because a piece of my heart belonged to him and I cried because deep down I really did love Duke past a brother or friend love but as something more. I just cried to cry, so did everyone.

The church service went by what seemed quick but in all actuality we had all been sitting there for three hours.

We headed over to the burial site and well that's when one by one we each threw a rose in and said something kind to Duke. We threw roses in because Mal said he didn't want his man laying in dirt but rather a bed of roses, so he could be comfortable going up to heaven. I smiled at him saying that.

We went lower rank to highest making Mal and I last. Most of the words said were "Good Luck" or "I miss you man" or "You'll never be forgotten" or simply "I love you".

When it came to Mal and I well that was different I got down and just talked to Duke, about everything we had been through and how he helped me and hoe I would always carry him in my heart. I kissed the rose and said a.quite prayer asking god to look past Dukes actions but at his soul so that he could be accepted into heaven. Then I kissed it and said "I love you Duke, I always will" and lightly tossed the rose in. Malachi helped me up even though I could get up on my own and I went and stood next to Kev and Nick. I put my head on Nicks arm and held his and Kevs hand. We watched as Malachi said hos final goodbye.

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