Love and War (Part 3)

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"Mallory! Mallory!" I kept whimpering.

"Help my baby, please somebody help my baby" I said as the bright lights shone in my eyes.

"Ma'am she's alright, she's alright" said a woman's voice and I felt myself fall into a deep sleep.

I heard crying as my eyes shot open, "Mallory!" I gasped looking around.

"She's here, she's fine" said Silla. I looked around in panic, "Where am I?" I asked.

"Your in the hospital Lena" she said sitting down next to me.

"Where's Malachi" I asked. the tears flooding down my face.

"Lena he's in a coma" I turned my face as the tears fell fast.

"Silla what happened that night., I don't remember anything... after he shot me I went out everything was black everything was black." I said crying.

"Malachi went to get you and Mallory back, when Kev and Quan found out where they were at they rushed all the men over. Nick was with them too. They showed up and everyone started shooting it was a bloodbath Lena. They managed to kill the men off but Kev left with a bullet to the shoulder and Nick got shot in his leg, but Malachi he was covered in bulets. He wasnt strapped he had no weapons. The paramedics said it was a miracle that he was even still breathing because the bullets pierced his lungs. They managed to get Zulu out as well, after Quan found out that she had been working with Paige he was furious, but they were able to save the baby so he wants to be there for his child,but his trust with her is broken" said Silla putting her head down.

"And Paige" I said looking at her.

"Paige is dead Lena- that's all you need to know." I laid in the bed and just gathered my thoughts. I fell for the enemy, I kissed the enemy. I let the enemy in how could I be so stupid. I thought as I laid there.

"Can I have Mallory please" I asked trying to sit up. I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go.

Silla handed her to me and I saw Malachi, his smile his eyes I brought her close and craddled her not wanting to let her go.

"I love you and I promise no one will ever hurt you, you hear me" I said kissing her smile. She grabbed my nose and giggled and I couldn't help but hear Malachi's laugh.

"Malachi, please hang in there please for me"

Quan POV:

"Quan please" she said

"Fuck your please, Zulu you lied to us! To all of us, you lied to Lena she has you up here your Mallory's goddamn god mother! You lied to everyone, you lied to me. I told you everything and you betrayed me" I said looking out the window.

"Quan please I'm sorry!" she cried.

"Stop Zulu your going to upset the baby." I said to her.

"How can I be happy about this baby when you hate me? You hate me Quan and so does everyone else. Quan I love you and I mean that you have my heart." she said crying.

"Lu please with the tears, I've had women lie to me,but I've never had a woman betray me and if you weren't the mother of my unborn child Id kill you. I'm not going to lie and sit her and say that I still don't love you,but you broke my trust. Trust is something I don't give and I gave you that and you broke it" I said looking at her.

"Love makes you do crazy things Quan, that night I got shot I was coming to tell you that I was working with Paige. I was coming to tell you everything because I wanted out. When I got shot I knew it was him, I knew it was and I thought it was over he didn't contact me, he didn't try and kill me he just disappeared. I didn't know Lena knew him. I didn't know he'd do this!" she yelled.

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