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I didn't sleep and I can't eat. The only thing I keep doing is think about Lena and how I hurt her. I never meant to do that its just that these past few weeks its been argument after argument. Quan was like "come hit the strip club" with him one night. I gave in and went, the females weren't cute at all nothing like Lena. I sat back and got a couple dances from the girl name Jenna and she told me to call her. I wont lie at the time I was getting and replying to Jenna's texts I was thinking about cheating. Then I looked I got home and looked into Lena's eyes and I realized that I couldn't do that, id rather die than hurt the woman I love like that. Too late because now I can't find her and she won't answer a call or text.

I was gathering my thoughts when I heard my doorbell ring and I raced down the stairs and opened it thinking it was Lena until I saw two women who looked pissed and a nervous Nick behind them. Silla walked in and she was in a bad mood her now 6 month pregnant belly was more than noticeable and the evil look in her eyes told it all. I looked at Nick and he just shook his head. Kaylee was right next to her hands crossed and looked like she had words for me.

"Move!" said Silla pushing past me them all coming in.

"Nick" I said pulling him close.

"Look bro, there pissef at you so get ready because they are going to chew you a new asshole."

I just shook my head and closed my door making my way to the livingroom.

"You dirty mother fucker! You think its ok to cheat on my sister and claim you love her you filthy basard. If I wasn't-ooo if he wasn't inside me right now I would beat your motherfucking ass for old and new!" said Silla getting in my face. Nick tried to pull her back,but she just turned and gave it to him.

"Don't touch me,you his friend! You should have told this black ass nigga that if he break my sister heart he was gone get his legs broke. Where were you Nick?! You got a bitch named Jenna too!"

Nick stayed quite and that's when Kaylee went off and I've never seen her so angry.

"You men are the most worthless piece of shit! Malachi do you know what Lena did for you!? She risked her life for you! She gave you her love and virginity which are two things she can't get back. Ive never seen her cry so much! I wont sit and admit I'm not at fault by what I said but I never thought you! You of all men would hurt her like that Mal. If you were unhappy you should have told her and fixed it not been with no ther bitch! You guys claim to love us and you get what you want sex, love and a bitch to hold you down but what about us.?"

At that point I just broke dowm letting out how I fucked up and they listened carefully. Taking in everything calmly and Silla came over and hugged me tight.

"Thank you for mot sleeping.with the trick, but damn Mal you can't do that whem you have a faithful girl who loves you. She's so brokem and you need to go fix her now!" she said looking at Kaylee who came and hugged me too.

"Mal we love both of you just like the both of you had my back with Kev. I'm having your back andLena's. Go tell her the deal and how much you love her. Just go well be here don't come back without her. Go"

I just grabbed my keys and ran through the door it was pouring and I didnt bring a jacket but rhat could mean the least to me. I drove to Lena's moms house and saw Lena's car in the driveway and I got out and rung the bell. She opened it and I was face to face with her and I just spiled everything out falling to my knees and I don't know if she heard everything but I know she did hear my last two words.

"I'm Sorry"






Soo that's how you tell him je.messed up? How are our feelings of Malachi now, he didn't really cheat,but now a simple text is considered cheating soo next chapter well see if Lena can forgive and forget. I want to say thank you for all the love and excuse my mistakes. I want you all to VOTE,VOTE,VOTE!! Comment and Fan me please and Follow my other book Listen. It goes hard so until next time ~Ery <3

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