Chapter Eight - Giving In For Nothing.

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Here we go cx

•Sasuke's Perspective•

I swear I'm going to go insane. He's probably left a hickey or two by now. I've been holding back with all my might, and it's difficult when it comes to him. I shake the thought out of my head, and then Naruto attacks my neck again, under my collarbone. I finally give in, a small moan emitting from my throat. He swirls his tongue around the spot and I lose it. He leaves a hickey, I know that for sure. "N-Naruto." I moan lightly. Naruto stops, unties the rope and smirks, walking away. I sit on the floor, gasping. The fuck?

•Lee's Perspective•

I hear my dorm door open as I'm making bacon, and a red-head come in. "Hi, Roommate." I say, not knowing his name. "It's Gaara." Gaara says coldly. His baby blue eyes looking away from my happy black ones. He has a tattoo in his forehead, and he wears eyeliner. His red shirt and black skinny jeans. His black converse. I nod, realizing I just checked him out. He looks at me, for a second, then looks away.

•Gaara's Perspective•

I open my dorm door, smelling bacon. I come in and see a black haired boy making bacon. He turns around and I immediately check him out. His small skinny frame like mine, green shirt and orange sweatpants. His happy black eyes stared into my lonely baby blue eyes. He checked me out too, and nods. I look at him again, and then look to the ground quickly. God damnit.

I open the door that didn't have a black chalk board on it and seen a room painted baby blue like my eyes. I put my clothing into the red dresser and laid red soft silk sheets onto my rather comfortable bed. I put a baby blue comforter over it, and flop onto it, grabbing my phone from my back pocket.

•Naruto's Perspective•

I just tortured the hell out of that Uchiha. I smirk lightly, sitting in my dark room. I slowly tug myself out of bed and get a chocolate bar from the counter and take the bandages and go to Sasuke's room. He's curled up on his bed, whispering. I walk up to him, emotion wiped off of my face, and grab his wrists. I see how raw the skin is and wrap the bandages around them, making it look like tight bracelets. I can feel him looking at me, but I ignore it.

I place the chocolate bar on his nightstand and leave his room, going out to look at my classes again.
Uzumaki, Naruto
Principal: Tsunade
Cafeteria: Ichiraku (A/N: Pretend it serves more than ramen)
Dorm Building: Pinehall

First Class: Geometry/Calculus Room: 206
Second Class: Medical/Health Room: 113
Third Class: Biology II Room: B9
Fourth Class: English Major Room:
Fifth Class: Cooking
Sixth Class: Civics/History
Seventh Class: Band

I walk into the large school building, checking out all of my classes. I run into a girl, with orange eyes and purple hair. A light purple origami rose stuck in her hair. She has a black shirt on, with red clouds all over it. Her blue faded jeans stuck to her skin, and her Vans are black too. She stood straight, staring into my eyes. "Hello, my name is Konan." She finally speaks, her voice soft and delicate. I nod "Hi, Konan. My name is Naruto." I speak softly, smiling at the smaller girl. A man came up next to her, orange hair with red highlights. "Konan, is this man bothering you?"

I see Konan blush, and say "No, I just bumped into him." I nod, smiling at the man. "Hello, my name is Pain." I was taken aback by the name, but spoke "Hello, Pain. My name is Naruto." (A/N: Let's pretend Pain and Nagato are two different people.) We shook hands and I walked off, trying to find Geometry/Calculus. I walk up the stairs, seeing random people.

I finally find my Geometry/Calculus class and see that I share it with Kakashi and Yamato. Then I go down to Medical/Health, seeing that I share it with Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Shino, and a red-headed guy. Then I go down another floor, finding Biology II. I share that class with Neji, Hinata, Kiba, and Lee. I run to english, my major, and see I share it with Sasuke. Then I go to cooking class, seeing I share it with Kiba, Hinata, Choji, Kakashi, and Ino. Then I bolt to Civics/History, seeing I share it with Shikamaru, Temari, Sakura, Sasuke, and Yamato. I breathlessly run to Band, seeing that I don't share it with any of my friends, I excel at flute. Then I walk to Physical ED, seeing all of my friends that are guys, plus eight guys that have the same shirt as Konan, plus Pain.

I walk around campus, smiling. I share classes with my friends, except band. I look at the campus, finding Ichiraku's Resturant. I smile at it and head towards my dorm.

•Sasuke's Perspective•

I look down at my phone and sigh, walking through the football field. A guy catches my eye. Suigetsu? No. Who is that? He hops down the bleachers and says "Hi, my name is Kisame." The pale guy is kind of tall, only a few inches taller than me. He has sparkly blue eyes, and wearing a black shirt with red clouds, black skinny jeans, and black converse. "Hello, Kisame, I'm Uchiha Sasuke." Kisame smiles, and then I feel lips on mine. I look and see Kisame's eye lids closed and kissing me. I kiss back, not wanting to seem rude.

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