Chapter Fifteen - Who Likes Who?

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Add this shit to your library.
And follow.

This story will include smut. If you only like fluff, this story is not for you.
There will be different ships like Rusuke and Sacy.
Also, There will be SasuNaru moments but they won't date entirely yet.
Have any questions? Private message me. When I look at the reads, 278 reads so far. Thank you!
Alright, now enjoy~!

•Naruto's Perspective•

I walked out of the locker room, my mood was just like yesterday's. I walked across campus and seen Jellal, Natsu, Gray, Elfman, and Happy. I run towards them. "Hey guys, what's up?" I speak up, and they look at me and smile. Jellal kind of shies away, blushing lightly. Elfman says "Being a man, what about you?". Gray just smiles and Natsu waves. Happy smiles cheekily, and I smile warmly. "Hey tomorrow we're all going to have a guys night, since tomorrow's Friday. It's going to be at Jellal and I's dorm." Gray spoke, laughing.

I nod, giving out my number to all of them. "Text me, I'd like someone to talk to." I say, smiling. Jellal enters my number into his phone, blushing. Gray, Natsu, and Happy just enter it in like it's nothing. And Elfman enters my name as 'Naruto Man.' I laugh and walk off, getting texts.

You have five new messages, by unknown numbers.

928-292-1018: Hey this is Gray.

928-291-3932: Hey, this is Elfman.

928-191-2929: Aye! this is Happy.

921-291-2919: Wassup! it's natsuuu.

928-656-4629: Hello, this is Jellal.

I smile, realizing that the only one that was formal is Jellal. I respond to everyone, but Jellal responds back.

Jellal: What's going on?

Me: Just going home to face my slutty roommate, wby?

Jellal: Just listening to music and doing English homework.

Me: Cool. Not like it's any of my business or anything but are you straight, bi, or gay?

Jellal: Erh, I'm bisexual. You?

Me: Same (;

Jellal: Haha. Do you have a crush?

Me: Yea, two acutally.

Jellal: Really now, tell me who?

Me: Sure, just don't tell anyone. Sasuke and I can't tell you the other one c:

Jellal: Ahh, well I have two as well. Natsu and I can't tell you the other one.

Me: Oh really? I'll tell you my last one if you tell me yours.

Jellal: Fine, fine. It's..... It's you.

Me: OHMYGOD my last one is you!

Jellal: Oh jeez this is awkward.

Me: Bb don't be feeling awkward ily come back xD

Jellal: Oh my god you're embarrassing me. Gray is asking why I'm blushing hard.

Me: Okay I'm sorry. Jeez haha.

Jellal: Haha okay well I can't wait for boys night.

Me: Truuuuuuuueeee.

Jellal: Hell yeah!

Me: Haha well I gtg see you tomorrow.

I close my phone, not looking at Jellal's last text. I lay down on the couch, hearing the door open. I see Sasuke come in, with Lucy in toe. I see them in the kitchen and she kisses him and he smiles, kissing her back. I roll my eyes and keep watching them. He finally breaks the kiss and grabs some chips, heading into his room. Ew. I text decide to text Jellal.

Me: Jelllaaaaalllll

Jellal: What.

Me: Sasuke just came in with his slut.

Jellal: Awh poor Naruto.

Me: Shut up Jellal. Why are you so meaaan.

Jellal: Cuz you're my bestieh.

Me: Truuueee

Jellal: Haha, well I've gotta get some shut-eye. Cya tomorrow!

Me: Dude its like.. six.

Jellal: Really?! Oh jeez I'll stay up till nine then.

Me: Boss. EWWW Sasuke and Lucy came in and they look like a MEEESSSSSS.

Jellal: Ooooooh they did the dirtttyy.

Me: Probably xD

Jellal: Aren't you jealous?

Me: Hellz nah.

Me: Well.. Maybe a litttle.

Jellal: Haha!

Me: Shush.

Jellal: Well I've gotta cook, be back soon.

Me: Gotcha.

I set down my phone, seeing Sasuke and Lucy kissing. Ughhh. He whispers something into her ear and she blushes, and they head to his room. I quickly bolt out of the door, and find Natsu's dorm. Huh, Natsu shares a dorm with Happy. How interesting. I walk in and see Natsu on the couch and Happy eating fish. "Hey guys, what's up." I say, smiling. They both look at me and smirk "Hey Blondie." Natsu says while Happy smiles and continues eating fish.

"Hey, salmon and salmon-eater." I laugh, and Natsu scoffs as Happy tries to eat his hair. I smile, lightly and Natsu questions "Why are you here? It's like... eight." He looks at Happy, who smirks while cooking more fish. "Hey, Naruto, have you seen Luce?" Natsu asks, a worried look placed on his face. "Oh, her. She's probably being slutty with my roommate still. Why?" I inform, with a slight attitude. "WHAT?!" Natsu shrieks, staring at me with fire in his eyes. "Go check it out yourself." I say, shrugging.

Natsu bolts out of his dorm, running down the corridor. I run after him, waiting to see his reaction. Sasuke and I's dorm door swings open, and Natsu walks through the dorm, opening Sasuke's silent door. "Soo, Lucy. You're being a slut, yeah?" Natsu sneers, the blonde jumping off of Sasuke, hiding her body. "N-Natsu." She squeaks, Sasuke hiding his own body from under the covers.

"Yeah, Heartfilia, I'm here. I thought that you're my girlfriend?" Natsu hisses at the girl, who gasps and hides her face from Sasuke. Sasuke glares at the blonde, his eyes still deep with lust. "And you-." Natsu starts but I cover his mouth. "Don't." I whisper while staring at the boy. "Run, just take your slut and run." I whisper as Sasuke moves under the covers. "Get dressed, Lucy, we need to get you to your dorm." Lucy nods, putting on her clothes and they walk out of the dorm.

"What, Naruto." Sasuke spits, lust still coating his eyes. "I know how you get when lust takes over." I spit back, glaring at him.

Ooooooh wait until next chapter!
Love you guys!

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