Chapter Eleven - Day Relief.

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I'm extremely lazy so I'm not finishing the classes♡

•Naruto's Perspective•

I walk around the football field, basically I'm waiting for my new friends. I hear "Naruto!" From somewhere and I look up and see Sasuke walking towards me "Hey Sas-" He cuts me off by hugging me. "Hey, Naruto." He says into my shoulder. He lets go and I see hickeys all over his neck. I smirk but he hisses at me. We sit in the bleachers and he sits on my lap all of the sudden and shoves my shoulders into the bleachers a step above. "Sasuke? My friends will be here at eight!" I inform him.

He looks down at his phone, "It's six o' clock." He says. "Oh." I cough awkwardly. He shoves my shoulders into the bleachers again, leaning down and whispering into my ear "Naruto, I realize you're really important to me." Oh shit. He kisses me roughly, catching me off guard. I slowly kiss back, and he grinds down on my causing me to gasp. He takes this opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth and explore.

He kisses my jaw, and then leaves a hickey on my neck. "O-Oh, Sasuke." I moan lightly. Sasuke smirked on my skin and kisses around, trying to find my sweet spot. Finally he finds it, just above my collarbone. "Sasuke!" I gasp as he sucks on it. Then he smirks, grinding down on me and I pant, moaning lightly. "Sasuke, Ohh~!" I moan out. He stops and looks at his phone muttering "Seven, thirty five." I sigh, my face probably extremely flushed, and I probably have a hard-on. God damnit.

Sasuke pulls me up off the bleachers and kisses me, then runs off. "S-Sasuke.." I whisper. Finally everyone shows up. "Naruto!" Jellal and Mira yell. "Mira, Jellal, Gray, Erza, Happy, Natsu, Levy, Gajeel, Lucy, Juvia, Cana!" I yell, waving. Other people are there too, I don't know them but I still run down. Mira smiles "These people are Elfman, Sting, Rogue, Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, Aries, Lyon, Lisanna, and Charle." Mira explains as I give a 'Who the hell are these people?' look.

Elfman has spiky white hair like Mira's, black eyes, and a scar that comes from his right eye. Sting has short spiky blonde hair kind of like mine, lazy deep blue eyes, and a scar on his eyebrow. Rogue has black hair, dark red eyes, and a scar on his nose. Aquarius has long blue hair, ocean blue eyes, and a tattoo spread ed across her collarbones. Leo has orange hair, extremely dark brown eyes, and glasses. Virgo has pink hair to her mid-neck, blue eyes, and a hair thingy placed in her hair.

Aries has pink hair in the shape of Juvia's, dark black eyes, and a timid personality. Lyon has spiky white hair like Elfman's, dark eyes, and a confident smile. Lisanna has short white hair, dark eyes, and a love for Natsu as I can see. Charle has long white hair, dark eyes, and an angry look. I smirk "Awesome." I say smiling. "What happened, your face is flushed?" Erza asks smirking. "Oh I tripped before you guys came and I cleaned the dirt off of my face." I lie quickly, but not too quick.

Erza just smirks, looking down in one motion. "You slipped and got one of those?" She asked, about to die of laughter. "Uh.. no." I say, finally giving in. "Then what was it?" She questions. "P..n." I struggle. "What?" "P..n." I cough, still struggling. "Speak louder, Naruto." Erza says, gritting her teeth. "Porn." I whisper and her face turns red. "Oh." She says awkwardly.

•Sasuke's Perspective•

I run away from the football field with tears pouring out of my eyes. Why did I do that?! Because it was your day relief. No, it was sexual harassment plus I'm not gay! You positive about that, and Naruto seemed to enjoy it. No, I'm not positive.. And true.. See? I'm right. You actually might be gay. Hmm. Or bisexual, you never know. I argue with myself in my head.

I see a girl in the distance and I squint, trying to get a better view. Rukia. "Sasuke!" She calls, waving. "Rukia." I nod. "I've got something to tell you!" She calls, smiling lightly. I walk over to her and say "Yes?" She stares at the ground and blushes "I-I l-l-like you Sasuke.. Like crush wise..." I gasp, astonished. "W-Well." I try to speak. I grab her arm and pull a pen out, writing down my number.
She gapes at it "S-Sasuke." She speaks. My eyes widen and I stare at the tree behind her.


I grind down on the flustered blonde. "S-Sasuke Ohh~!" He moans out.
I check my phone while still grinding on the boy. "Seven thirty five." I sigh, getting up and running off.

《End of Flashback》

I hug her, tightly. "Meet me at my dorm, Pinehall Dorm Building, Fifth floor, last room on the left. Cya there cutie." I blurt out. (A/N: Sakia/Rusuke won't last long ok sorry for ruining dreams.) Rukia smiles and says "What time?" "Ten." I bluntly respond. "Gotcha." She smirks and walks away.

I have no clue if that number is real tbh
And hope you love the end of this (nawht rlly.)
I love you sexy beasts.
Stay wif me
Rhi-Lobeck bb
ilyaoineko bb

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