That French Emo Girl

145 18 0

{Colette P.O.V.}

My grandmother pulls into the school parking lot as I look at the door. I was hated at my old school in France. But this is America. And Americans have weird ways, meaning, I might finally have a chance.

I moved here to live with my grandmother after my parents died in a car accident back in France. It gets lonely sometimes but I have my grandmother and that's all that matters. I don't need anything or anyone else.

"Have a good day Colette." My grandmother says as I exit the strange car. Why is it strange? Because it doesn't have back seats and its painted three different shades of red, blood red, bright red, and a pale-almost-pink red. I wave as I walk to the front door of the building. When I walk in there are many kids running around and yelling. Maybe it won't be so different after all I think disappointedly.

I walk into the front office to retrieve my class schedule and smile at the old lady behind the desk.

"Name?" She smiles back. "Colette." I answer and she starts typing. "That's a nice accent you have. Very pretty."

"Thank you" I say as I walk out searching for room 659. I find it as soon as the bell rings so I go inside and immediately sit in the back corner away from where everyone was headed. This was a day I wasn't looking forward to.

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