I Won't Fall In Love With Falling

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I walk towards the lunch line with panic in my chest.

Ryder might be okay with this baby but he doesn't have it coming out of his vagina. Mainly cause he doesn't have one. Trust me, I know. Hehe.

Anyway, back to the baby.

I woke up the past few mornings puking my brains out. I thought I had a stomach virus or something but when I told grandmother last night she rushed out of the house and came back with a pregnancy test.

She rushed me to the bathroom and closed me in. I waited the recommended time before checking. I really thought it was stupid until I saw that positive test laying on the counter. I mean, you have sex ONE TIME.

I exited the bathroom, test in hand, and turn towards my grandmother.

I guess it's a grandparent thing, you know, when they can just tell what's going on before you even know. She gave me a big hug before scolding me about how she specifically told us to use protection. Then she ranted about how she was going to go straight to Ryder's parents and tell them of how their son is now a father.

I got her to calm down, thankfully, I wanted to tell Ryder first and let him tell his father. I mean, he seems surprisingly okay with being a dad so why not tell his own?

If he's going to be that calm finding out these sorts of things, I don't see a problem with him helping me raise this baby.

He might even be kind of happy. I know he would want this baby to be as happy as possible. Considering the way his dad is to him.

I exit the lunch line with a tray full of fruits and vegetables.

As I make my way back towards Ryder and I's table I notice his sandwich is laying on the table, which he would have normally finished by now, and he's holding his head in his hands. As I move closer I see the visible sobs.

I rush over and throw my tray on the table.

"Ryder, what's wrong?" I frantically ask.

"What's wrong? Did you seriously just ask that? I'm a dad now. Because we fucked up and didn't use protection." He spits out.

"I-I don't understand.. I th-thought you were okay with it, you said you'd take care of me, I-"

"I thought you were on your period. I thought you were just acting weird because of that. Not because you're going to be the- hold on." He takes my arm and drags me towards the hallway.

He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Look, this morning while we were walking, I... I thought you got your period cause something just 'came up'. That's why I thought that. When you said you were pregnant.. I just... I don't know what to say, that's how I feel right now. I mean, don't think I don't want this baby just because of the way it came." He takes my hands in his and presses me against the lockers. "I might not be ready to be a father right now but, I have nine months to learn. We can go to those classes and stuff. Okay?"

I stroke the side of his face, "You're not mad?"

"I should be asking you that sweetheart. I'm the one who didn't put a condom on. I mean I usually didn't wear one with, you know..."

"You don't have to mention him babe. I get it. And.. I'd like those classes." I smile.



I lean up and kiss his as the bell rings. I smile before deepening the kiss as kids rush to class around us.

I mean, what can happen? He already got me pregnant.

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