Heavens Full And Hell Won't Have Me

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{Ryder P.O.V.}


I wait outside Colette's house before school. She always takes ages to get ready but I'm okay with that.

When she comes out the door she looks upset. I wrap my arms around her and press my lips to the side of her head.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I mutter against her skin.

"Nothing, I'm fine." She fakes a smile and it bothers me. I'm her boyfriend. She can tell me anything.

"You sure?" I interlace our hands as we start walking towards the school.

"Yes, just.. Something came up.. Unexpectedly." She says as if she trying to find the words. She's still hiding something but I can tell I need to drop it.

For now.

"Okay.. Tell me when you're ready cause I really want to be there for you if you need me." She looks down and hums in response. I need to know what's going on. I'm already panicking and it could be something small like its her time of the month. Yeah, that has to be it. She hasn't gotten it since right before we... Did the do.

She must have gotten her period.

We reach the front of the building and she turns to face me.

"Look you need to know this because it involves you as well but-"

"No, I get it, I figured it out while we were walking." I cut her off.

"Really?" She looks shocked.

"Yeah I know what's going on down there." I say as I rub her hips. I think girls like that. I don't really know.

"You d-do? How- well.. You're okay with it?" She looks a little panicked but I guess that's what happens when your boyfriend acts causal about you bleeding from your vagina.

"Yeah baby, it's nature. Don't worry." I tell her. "I'll take care of you and get whatever you want and we can watch romcoms."

"Oh shut up, you're the one who likes romantic movies in this relationship." She says with a laugh and what looks like relief in her eyes.

"Mmmmmaybe. Get to class." I smack her bum before watching her move down the hall to her class.

I head towards mine and sit in my normal seat, in the back, avoiding everyone. I'm dreading this day because Blake usually says something smartassish until Colette arrives to my first, and only, class with her, which is right after lunch.

I wait for the teacher and begin sketching Colette in my sketchbook, I outline her body, from her perfect jawline to her tiny little waist. I smile because sketching it reminds me of how I lifted her up to the ceiling so she could act like Spider-Man.

The teacher walks in and begins her boring lesson as I pull out my earbuds and continue to ignore her.


Finally after the hours rolled by I got to be near my baby, obsessive.. Maybe. But that's okay.

It's fine.

I sit across from her and happily eat my pb&j. She looks up at me and takes a deep breath.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She says. Oh how weird girls can be on their period. But I love her no matter how weird she is.

"Yeah babe, why wouldn't I be?" I laugh before taking a giant bite out of my sandwich.

"Well I mean not many teenage boys are okay with getting their girlfriend pregnant. ... Im just glad you understand." She gets up to walk to the lunch line and I stop chewing. Oh my god. This isn't just a period.

She kisses the side of my head before leaving the table completely.

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