I Need To Breathe

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{Ryder P.O.V.}

I wake up with a slight headache, I feel like I've slept through a storm. I sit up and stretch while looking around. It's weird, but there's baby stuff scattered everywhere. All of it is pink. I shrug it off and walk towards Colette's room. I push open her door to see her laying peacefully in bed.

I walk to the other side and get in before wrapping my arms around her, I sigh in content because of her warm body.

She rolls over waking up and I smile.

She opens her eyes and looks at me before saying, "Do you remember anything from last night?" I give her a confused smile, "what are you talking about? My new friends?" Her face drops, "I thought you'd remember the baby." I stop smiling, "Hun you need to stop with this baby talk, we're not nearly old enough to have one, I love you but nows not the time. And when did you buy all this baby stuff?"

She shakily gets out of bed.

"Get out." She says, her whole body is shaking but there's no emotion on her face.


"Get out if you don't believe me." She says with anger in her eyes, "You're no good for me Ryder. I should have known, you warned me and I went after you anyway. Well, get out. You can act all you want but I know there was a child inside of me. You told me you never wanted to hurt me? Here's your chance not to hurt me anymore."

"What the hell, I've done nothing but love you, yeah I had one bad night and now you want to break up? Where do I go? I don't have anywhere anymore." I'm starting to get pissed, she's insane, she actually thinks we were going to have a baby.

"Why don't you go to your new little friends. I'm sure they'd just love to have you." She spits out.

"Fine, you don't want me anymore? Fine, I'll leave. But don't think I'll be hurt. You're the weak one, you're the one whose going to be crawling back to me but just know, I don't care anymore, I'm not going to 'help' you. Okay?" I start grabbing my things, it's not like I have much stuff anyway.

"I won't need you. Trust me." The words sting but I shrug it off. Only a few minutes later and I was gone, my backpack on my back and the only place I could think of was the twins place.

I knock on the door and wait. There isn't an answer. I wait thirty seconds and consider turning around when the door opens and I'm greeted by a perky Jordan.

"Hey man what's up?" He says with a toothy grin.

"Can I come in?"

~time lapse because I'm too lazy to write out what you already know~

"So that's why I need a place to stay.." I hesitate after spilling everything because I'm sure they won't want me here.

"Of course dude, we live on our own so it gets lonely." Jordan says with a lopsided grin.

"Yeah, it's not a problem, bro" Jace says with the same smile. He shows me to the spare bedroom, "this one will be yours, do whatever you want with it." He pats my back and leaves.

I put my stuff away in the drawers and look into the mirror. I look like a mess. I don't feel like one, I don't feel anything really. I almost feel happy. Like, even though I loved being with Colette, I still wasn't happy. I guess I loved the idea of having someone to love.

I guess she wasn't the one.

The bedroom door opens and Jordan walks in.

"Hey how do you feel?" He says.

"Honestly, I'm not even hurt." I turn to the dresser and push close one of the drawers, "I'm actually really happy to be here. I'm just grateful you guys are in my life. I'm just ready to get out there and get her out of my mind. She wasn't good for me, you know?" I turn back around and Jordan's standing less than six inches away from me. He puts one hand on either side of me on the dresser.

"So you're over her?"

"Y-yeah why?" I ask, my heart speeding up.

"One question then." The says, his voice getting deeper.

"What is it?" I can't look him in the eyes right now, he's so close.

"Do you happen to like guys too? Judging by your body language I'd say yes." He gets closer to me, our bodies pressing together.

"Yeah, i do." I breathe.

"Good." He kisses my neck before walking out of the room leaving me feeling hot and confused.

**Jace and Jordan are in the picture above ❤️**

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