Can I Call You An Acquaintance

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{Ryder P.O.V.}

I walk into class ignoring the world with both earbuds in. I go to my usual seat and sit down harshly slamming down my backpack. I'm so done I want this day to end.

Suddenly my backpack comes flying back at me and my first thought is I somehow became Harry Potter- nah I'm not that wicked- so I look to see a beautiful girl sitting next to me. She was glaring at me and I was mesmerized as she spoke.

"Watch where you toss that thing, okay? Are you listening? ...Hey?" She said. Her voice was perfect.

"Uhm yeah I am, sorry." I feel my face heating up. "Not that I don't like you here... Because I do... But why are you here... Are you new here?"

"Yes I am I came here from France." When she said that she had this weird look on her face. I quickly dismiss it. I thought of my secret and knew it was a matter of time before she found out considering the whole school found out last year.

I pull my sleeves and say, "Well you should probably stay away from me, I'm not the kind of guy to associate with so... Yeah." I look down at the textbook left on the desk by the previous student.

"And why is that? You seem pret-" she starts

"Hey new girl!" One of the jocks, Blake, shouts. "Come sit with us!" Great she's going to sit over there. She's flawless, French, and she's sweet. Probably naive. All these guys are going to do is try and get into her pants like every other girl in this school. I would treat her so much better. I'd put my arm around her waist and hold her to me to show she's mine. My friend. My only friend. Maybe even my girlfriend.

Where is this coming from.

No Ryder.


You don't deserve friends. Bad.

You only like her cause she's pretty. She left you for the jocks. She's like the rest of the girls in this school.

It wasn't until I looked over that I realized she didn't leave. Instead she sat working on the worksheet the teacher handed out while I was lost in my thoughts. I look back to the worksheet only to realize I didn't know anything about it.

I will love you till I dieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora