Little Mistake

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{Ryder P.O.V.}

I wake up and look around to see I was in my room. Colette was gone but so was my anger. I slowly sit up and look towards the ground to find that the blade was gone.

God fucking damn it.

Oh well, it's not like I don't have more.

I look towards the drawer and see a note.


Don't EVER feel bad about yourself. I may not know you right now, but I will always be there for you. I promise. If you ever feel the urge to cut, text me or call me, anything. I want to help you. I really like you Ryder. Text me (:


~ Colette

I smile to myself as I finish reading the note. She likes me.

Even if it's not in that way, she still likes me.

I doubt it. She wouldn't ever like someone like me. Someone so indecisive they don't know what their sexual preference is.

Yeah, I'm bi.

It doesn't really matter to me but apparently it matters to everyone else, so, I just keep it to myself.

I don't dare tell my mom. She's a little homophobic. Well a lot homophobic. As in she threw a ball of lettuce at two guys in their 30's who just happened to be holding hands at the grocery store. So I don't think I'll tell her.

I think about what Colette said. She wants to help me.

Nobody's ever wanted to do that.

But she doesn't know me well enough to understand me. She doesn't know what she's helping with.

If she did she probably wouldn't. I don't want her getting involved with me.

The last person who did is dead.

Yeah, dead.

Why do you think I have no friends?

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