Chapter 4

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Joshua's POV ~

I can't believe Minyoung and Wooshin became friends. I don't understand. They're enemies! They're suppose to hate each other! Not 'like' , you should know what I meant. Anyways , I'm on the way home. And I saw Bora. We walked pass each other , I tried to avoid her and continue walking bit she grabbed my arm , causing me to stop.

"Hey oppa! It's Bora! I haven't see you in a long time! I have something to discuss with you. Let's go to the cafe and talk?" "No thanks. I have better things to do , like watching grass grow." I pushed her away. And walked home , leaving her behind.

"W-wait! I know you like Minyoung! I have a plan to get her! But only if you help me! I-if you don't want , that's o-okay...." "What?!" I turn back right away. "How do you know? What is the plan?" I continued. I'm being to desperate , okay!

"Um , it's too complicated to talk here. In the middle of the pathway?! Jinja?! You never change oppa. I'm going to the cafe. I'm hungry." I trailed behind her. This really bring back the nightmare. The day when I hated her , in fact , broke up with her.

Flashback ~

27 Oct 2014.
There was a birthday party in school. It's Wooshin birthday back then. Bora was super excited to go. "Oppa! Do I look pretty for Wooshin? Tell me!" Bora pulled my hand and face the mirror.

"What? For who?"

"Uh , for you oppa! You're the one!" She did an aegyo. That's what I love about her. Her aegyo. "Y-yeah. I like it. Simple , but beautiful." I smiled. "Simple?! Oh no! This is bad! Wooshin hates simple! You know oppa , he's rich and all." She hurried back to the changing room. Did I forgot to tell you that we're at the shopping mall?

While waiting , I looked around the store. It was huge. It has everything. Then , I saw a girl. I think I saw her in school before. "H-hey." I approached her. I hope she recognized me. She didn't answer me. She's trying to avoid me.

"Erm. Hi! Again. I'm from Gaboung High School! I think we're in the same school! If I'm not wrong...." I tried to be right in front of her. "O-oh. Sorry for ignoring you just now! My mother told me not to talk to strangers! Thank god we are in the same school! By the way , my name is Minyoung!" She introduced herself.

"Haha. My mother too! My name is Joshua!" I offered my hand for a handshake but she stared at the hand instead. "Erm. Sorry! We don't do handshake in Korea!" She said , then she ran out of the store. Luckily she wasn't a theft. The buzzer did not go off.

"Oppa? Who are you talking too?" I see Bora have ready pick out a dress. "No one. Kaja. Let's pay."

Time check : 7:00p.m.

I'm picking Bora up from her house to the party. I knocked her house door and only to reveal Beautiful Bora. "You look beautiful tonight." I told her , being gentlemen.

"Thank you!" She giggled. We both got into my car and I drove to the school , where the party was held. As we go into the school , we make our way to the school hall with her arm with mine.

We entered the school hall and saw colorful lights flashes multiple of times. Students and teachers dancing in the dance floor. Wow this party is epic. It's like graduation party instead of a birthday party. This 'Wooshin' guy must be super rich.

Without me realizing , Bora was out of my sight. "Bora? Where are you?!" I screamed. I tried to find her but she was no where to be found. I was tired and decided to get some drinks. Then , I saw Bora and some other guy making out beside the place to get drinks? My jaw dropped. My heart sank. I ran towards them.

I grabbed he 'guy' collar and punch him in the face. I let him go , seeing his lips bleeding makes me want to punch him again. "Joshua! Hajima! Wooshin oppa? Are you okay?" She ran towards 'Wooshin'.

"What?! You called him whaa?" Everyone has eyes on us now. "Get out of my party." Wooshin yelled at me.

I gave Bora a death glare and make my way out of the hell. "Bora. We're over."

Yeah. I was planning to leave anyways. I got in my car and went to the nearest park. It's my favorite place. It's the most quiet place at night. I walked on he pathway and saw a girl sitting on a bench , crying. I don't even care actually , but my mind tells me to go to her.

"Are you okay? Why are crying?" I asked her. She wiped her tears and I examine her face carefully. It's Minyoung. "Oh. H-hey."

"You know you haven't answered me?"

"Oh. My boyfriend broke up with me." She cried even louder. I lend my shoulder to her.

Present ~

"Oppa. You really like Minyoung? Why everyone likes her? I'm obviously prettier. What did she do?"

"You know what?! She isn't like you. She's different. Kind , patient , pretty and all. Look , I'm leaving if you are not telling me the plan" I half stood up and she grabbed my arm , signalling me to sit.

"Arasso. Ok so-"

Minyoung's POV ~

"Eh? He left?" My mom brought some snacks to the living room , where Joshua and I were discussing just now. "Yeah. About 10 minutes ago." I replied. "Oh. Alright." She said as he return back to the kitchen. "Knock , knock!"

"Minyoung dear , please help me to get the door!" I heard mom shouted from the kitchen. I stood up from my sofa and threw the book that I was reading on the table. "Hello Minyoung!" A boy appeared in front. "W-what are you doing here?!"

Who do you think it is?! Comment below??
Stay tuned to the next chapter ;)

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