Chapter 10

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If you find this fanfic hard to understand/read , pm me to ask any questions! Or - worst case scenario , don't read this fanfic :-(
There'll be a lot of POV ( Point Of View ) here......

Nobody's POV ~

"Oppa! Hajima!" Bora screamed. Joshua was back hugging Bora.

Minyoung , happened to walk passed them. She sighed. She was wrong to think that Joshua actually liked her. She fell everything around her just .... Gone. She doesn't even know if she has a best friend now.

Suddenly , she felt arms wrapped around her. It was Wooshin's. "It's okay. You have me." Wooshin whispered to her but she break free and ran to school. Hot tears formed in her eyes. "Yah!! Wait for me!" Wooshin was calling her but she ran faster as her legs could carry her and ignored him.


Minyoung's POV ~

Today , Ignore everyone. Let's just do this exam , get out of this school. I hate this school. I hate everyone in this school.

As I was doing my exams , I can't concentrate. Tears keep blocking my vision. I felt sleepy. I slept eventually.

I walk out of the examination to the hallway. Many students are discussing their answers already.
I have forgotten what I've answered. I don't even know if I even answered them. I'm to occupied by what happen before the exam.

"Hey!" A boy called me. I stopped for a second. I turned around and saw Wooshin.

I looked behind Wooshin and saw Joshua hugging Bora. Teas starts forming again in my eyes. I pushed Wooshim aside. I covered my face and ran to the school's rooftop.

I felt angered , betrayed , I just want everything to end now.
Joshua's POV ~

"Bora , that's enough. I think Minyoung gets jealous already." I struggled to get out of Bora's tight grip. "But Wooshin oppa isn't!" She whined , pulling my arms back to her waist , forcing me to kiss her.

I throw her on the floor. "When j said enough , enough. I don't want Minyoung to get hurt. I hate it." I spat at her and left her dumbfounded.


Wooshin's POV ~

I shouldn't call her. It's all my fault that she turn back and saw them. I wanted to comfort her. When I saw Joshua hugging Bora , I wanted her not to notice them. Am I'm a sweet guy? She didn't noticed it. Yet.

I followed Minyoung to the rooftop. She was crying and yelling.

She was sitting on the rooftop ground. My heart ache seeing her like this , crying. I don't know how to comfort girls when they're crying. All I do is hurt them. I walked towards her and sit beside her. She was covering her face , sobbing.

"Minyoung ah? Are you okay?" I asked. I patted her back and continuously told her that she'll be alright.

She never answered me. Louder sobbing is all I could hear. I took out a packet of tissue and head her a piece. She quickly snatched it and wipe her tears.

"Don't cry Minyoung ah. You look ugly." I told her , jokingly. "I'm sad now and why do you have all negative things to say?!" She slapped my arms.

"Why should I comfort you?" After what I've said , a pregnant silence surrounded us. "Why are you so mad suddenly? Time of the month eh?" Me , trying to break the silence. "No! It's just-" she half yelled at me but she suddenly paused. "Because of Joshua and Bora isn't it?" I raised my eyebrows. "H-how you know?"

"I've notice it too. I understand."

She started crying again. I told you guys I'm bad comforting girls. "Pabo yah!" She start hitting my arms. It hurts a little but who cares.

"Minyoung ah. Just hit me. I don't care. I'll be hugging you at the end anyways." I don't know but the word came out of my mouth. Her face was bright red.

"What?" Finally , she stop hitting me. "Um , which means I'll be here for you." I smiled.

Sorry! Short chapter! I bought the seventeen boys be album and the up10tion top secret album! I got Wonwoo and Sunyoul pc xD I want Wooshin though .... I can't explain what I feel right now!!!

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