Chapter 13

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[ status : edited ]

Minyoung's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of a machine beeping. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a boy's hand grasped mine as mine as my head hurts.

Who is this boy? Why is he here? 

I immediately realize that I was in a hospital room , on the bed. I dint remember how i got here. The boy was asleep on a chair next to me. I don't even know who is he. Worst still , he was holding on to my hand. My head feels a sharp pain so suddenly. I let go of his hand , trying to sit up straight.

"Minyoung ah?? Doctor! She finally woke up!" A boy , who was asleep , suddenly woke up."Where am I? What am I doing here?" I questioned. "Miss Park? Are you feeling better? Did you remember anything that happen during or before the accident?" A another guy , dressed all in white , a doctor I guess , asked me.


"Accident?" I stuttered , trying to remember but , I just couldn't. I looked around me. The boy that was sleeping soundly , was gone.

"Nevermind. Take your time. Don't worry Miss Park! We will try to regain your memory back!" The doctor told me , showing this fist , a fighting sign.

"Okay...?" This is creeping me out. What have I've missed? Couldn't be hat much right?

Wooshin's POV ~

I'm sitting in the waiting room , outside Minyoung's room , expecting good news from the doctor.


"She couldn't remember anything. Don't worry , we will try to regain her memory back." The doctor said , patting my back.

"When does she gets discharge from here? I think it's better for her to be at home." I suggested.

"I don't know if that's a good thing or bad but okay , I'll tell her to change and she can go home." The doctor smiled.

I felt my heart sank. What if she doesn't remember me? I've been waiting for a week. This is so unfair. Her mom is fine. Her injuries aren't that bad. I seriously don't know if I should tell her mom that she doesn't remember anything.

Minyoung's POV ~

"You would be able to go home after you've changed. Your mom will pick you up." A nurse , who is serving my dinner told me.

"Are you serious I don't even know where I stay , and you are letting me go?" I whined and refused to eat the food in front of me , which was the salad.

"Eat Minyoung. You will get hungry. You won't be alone." The nurse snatched the spoon from my hand , the salad as well and feed me. I'm not a baby.

Next morning ~

I left the hospital with the red haired boy. The nurse told me that my mom is resting at home.

Who is he? Why must I follow him? Where are we going? Together? Excuse you?

"You probably won't remember me but my name is Wooshin. Your bestfriend." He introduced.

"Oh! Nice name wooshin. Name Minyoung. I don't know but the doctor and the nurses there called me that."

He laughed.

I went in a car which , belong to Wooshin? I don't know. And saw a lady already seated there. She looked older , more like his mother. And so , I sit beside her , while Wooshin sit beside the driver in front.


"Minyoung ah , are you okay? Does your head hurts?" The lady , seated beside me asked me.

I don't know her , I ignored her.


Finally , like finally! we've came to a stop in front of a gigantic house.

"Welcome home Minyoung!" Wooshin whispered , forcing a smile like he's hiding something from me. Next thing I know is the lady help me with my bag and awkward silence.

"Okay. I'll bring you to your room." Wooshin grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a my room.

The room was covered with posters. It dosent look like a girls's room. It's neat. Too neat for a boy to live in.

"This is your room Minyoung." He spread his hand wide smiling like an idiot. "Thank you.... But there's only one bed..." I thanked him. How are we going to share this room? "I'm going to sleep in a different room idiot." He laughed and then a lady came in my room.

"Kids , dinner is ready. Minyoung , get you should get some rest. I'll bring your dinner to your room
" the lady told us.

"Ok mom." That's all Wooshin answered and she smiled. "And your brother is visiting us today. Wear a nice outfit."

This sounds familiar. Jinyoung?

Short chapter! Hope you guys are not mad! Comments? /cries in a corner/
Sorry for spelling and grammatical mistakes! (ಥ_ಥ)


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