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Minyoung's POV ~

"Minyoung ah! Come here! I need to tell you something!" Mom called me. No one dares to disturb me when I'm sleeping! Well , except for my mom. Haha. I ran down to he living room and saw mom smiling like an idiot."What is it mom? W-wait. What time is it?! It's still dark." I look at the clock on the wall. 5:38 a.m. I looked like a monster.

"Someone is going to stay over here tomorrow!! And it's a boy!! You get along well with boys right?!" Woah , she's really excited. "Not really. Who is he though?" I asked in my sleepy tone. "Kim Woo Seok. He's s nice boy. His parents when for an overseas trip." I didn't hear properly though.

"Kim Seok Jin? I'm fine with that. Now lemme sleep please." I walk back to my bedroom. "It's Kim Woo-"

I slammed the door behind me and dived into my bed. I've entered my dreamland again.

9 a.m.

I woke up again. Luckily it was school holiday. No school! Yay! But my excitement did not last long.


"Minyoung , you are aware right? That Kim Woo Seok is staying with us?" I spat out my breakfast. "What?! Kim Woo Seok?! I thought you said Kim Seok Jin?!"
I bursted. "I knew it. You didn't listen did you? Why? Why are you hating on this guy so much even though you never met him." She asked.

"What? A-ani. Well , he's the boy that came yesterday. People call him Wooshin." I told her. "Oh. That good then. His mother told me that she'll left early and will drop 'Wooshin' here in 4 hours. By then , I'll be at work. When he comes , you lead him to the guest room next to yours." She instructed me.

"Uh , a-arasso." I continued digging in my breakfast. "Great. I'll go to work now." "Wait!! How long is he going to stay here?"

"10 months. I really need to go dear. Bye." She kissed my cheeks and left the house. Wow. That's more than half a year! I don't know how will it go......

1 p.m.

I heard a knocking sound. I already know who it is. Ugh. I opened the door , revealed a lady and a boy. Both at the same height. "What?!" The boy , who is Wooshin , half yelled. "Yeah. It's me. Surprised?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh , so you guys already know each other then? Good! There's no need for introduction!" The lady exclaimed. "Uh , yeah , come in." I allow them in and they sank themselves into the sofa. They must be tired.

"Um , you guys need drinks?" I asked. Yep , my mom teach me good manners yesterday! Until , 2 a.m! Thanks to Wooshin who suggested. "Yeah! I'm exhausted!" Wooshin started fanning himself and the lady telling him to stop acting like boss. I know how you feel woman.

"Alright. I'll go get it." "It's okay. I need to leave for my flight now. See you dear." She stood up and hugged Wooshin tightly.I guess they are mother and son. I felt pity for his mother for having a naughty son.

"So soon?!" I asked. Haha. I half yelled. "Yeah. I don't want to be late. Please take care of my son while I'm not here." She gave me a worried look. Really?? Wooshin is smirking!! What is he thinkinggg?  W-wait. Actually , what am I thinkinggg?! "Ok. I'm going now. Bye my baby boy." O-okay. That was--. Nevermind.

"Bye Mrs Kim!!" I waved at her.  So did Wooshin. Asdfghjkl he's cute!! Lemme dieeee! After she left...... "So , what are we going to do now?" Me . trying to break the awkward silence. He smirked.

"Wooshin! Hajima!!" I yelled at him. He needs to quit smirking! I know he's a playboy after all. "Ehh? Minyoung what are you thinking!! Aha! Minyoung is dirty minded!!!" He screamed and ran around the house.

"Yah!!! I'm not!!" I yelled at him. I grabbed a cushion and chased him. Once I caught him , I started to hit him with the cushion. He then grabbed the cushion and raised t in the air. I tried to grabbed my cushion back. Ommo. He's taller than me!! Without me realizing , I was hitting his chest.

Ommo. Ommmmmmmmoooo. He has abssssssssss!!

If he has one...

/faints and dies/

Bye people .

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