Chapter 3

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After renewing my membership and getting the details for Saturday's double date from Elise and saying goodbye, Damon and I headed to my place in his matte black Range Rover. I envied this baby; it exceeded my old Toyota, which was at the mechanic's for over a month now.

Damon and I talked and made up for lost time. He was telling me about how he wanted to purchase some buildings to renovate some more gyms.

"How's working for what's-his-name?" he inquired. I let out a long sigh. "Well my boss, Mr. Johnson, is an asshole. He asks these insane tasks of me that aren't even in my job description! Like, I'm just supposed to manage your schedule and maybe get coffee, you know? I'm just a fucking secretary for shit's sake! I swear to God I'd quit if I didn't need to pay Kris' tuition!" I didn't realise I was shouting until Damon said so. Every time I thought about that pervert of a boss, I got all riled up. "Well, Kat, you could always work with me, but I know gyms aren't really your thing," he chuckled, his heavily accentuated voice filling the vehicle.

God I couldn't wait to get home. I'd been trying to get Damon between my sheets for what seemed like a century. Now it was finally going to happen.

When we finally arrived at Applegrove Apartments, we entered the building and preceded up the flight of stairs. I continued up the flight of stairs, with Damon quietly following. When we reached the second floor, we walked to the end of the aisle to my apartment, No. 20. I took out my keys and entered, Damon closing the door behind him.

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