Chapter 18- The X Files

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Dean's POV

I woke up to the 8 a.m. Lousiana sun shining on my face. The heat was sweltering yet the bed was cold. Katelena wasn't in it.

During the past few months, the sound of her quiet snore made my heart flutter. Seeing the tangled hair atop her head, only emphasised her perfection to me. Her long lashes fanned against her cheeks and sometimes a little drool was on her face. We didn't wake up with minty fresh breath; we had morning breath just like everyone else did. Although Katelena refused to speak to me before she brushed her teeth, I honestly could say I didn't mind her morning breath. The things we do for love, right?
She didn't look like a photo shopped model, she was real. She wasn't an unobtainable standard of beauty that you see on TV. She wasn't curvaceous or had a large derriere or breasts, but she was my Katelena. Mine, all mine and I loved every bit of her.

I usually got up before her and made us both breakfast, but the smell of bacon and eggs frying greeted me this morning. I brushed my teeth, quickly made my way to the goddess that was Katelena.

She stood over the oven, draped in a plain black T-shirt that was a bit too big for her. Obviously one of mine. She reached across the counter to grab some spice and I could see a crimson lacy underwear caressing her smooth behind. Too bad, it might get ripped off later though.

"Morning, gorgeous," I said as I pecked her temple. She blushed and returned her attention to the stove. "Don't I get a kiss?" I asked, feigning hurt. She laughed at my pout and continued to ignore me. What's the matter with her?

"I'm awake, why aren't you giving me attention?" I asked humorously.
She turned to face me, her brown orbs boring into me. Hmm, that's the look she normally gives me right before we have sex. "Because, if I do I'll burn the eggs," her free hand gesturing to my clothes, or lack of. I looked down at myself and laughed. I only had on my briefs. "No worries, I'm all yours, anytime, any place."
She muttered something unintelligible under her breath.

I sat down in front of the TV and waited for my breakfast. It's not everyday I get waited on, so why not enjoy it while it lasts? Not like I didn't love doing that for her, but a man likes to feel appreciated, you know? Like a king.

She handed me a plate and put hers on the coffee table. I stole a piece of her bacon. "I know you're eating my bacon, Dean!" she shouted from the kitchen. How did she know?
"I'd rather be eating you though," I quipped, my mouth filled with buttered toast.
She placed two white mugs with orange juice onto the coffee table. In bold on one of the mugs was 'Daddy' written in blue and red. I looked at her and laughed. She looked at the mug and scoffed.

"I'm not calling you daddy, so get it out
of your thick head."

I pouted and placed my hands over my heart. "Geez, you do know how to hit a man where it hurts."

Katelena laughed and handed me the remote which was quite greasy. I turned to a sports channel that was showing live ice hockey in Montreal. It was the only sport Katelena would watch besides lawn tennis, which she only watched if Serena was playing.

"I have a surprise for you."

The childlike smile on her face made my heart constrict. "What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise, if I told you, now would it?" I said, emitting a mischievous chuckle.

Barry White's romantic baritone filled the car as we drove, crooning about 'my everything.' How fitting. I entangled our hands, lightly brushing it with the pad of my thumb. We hummed in unison to the romantic songs playing on the radio.

Finding a parking space was difficult because it was jammed pack. Every Sunday the amusement park would be packed because families frequented the area. Katelena looked at me and squealed with delight.

"The owner is a friend of mine, so we can have free range of the rides and stuff..." I snaked my arm around her slender waist.

We strolled through the main gate, and went to purchase some food.
"What would you like babe?"
Katelena's large brown eyes scanned the chalk-written menu on the ground next to us. "Uhh, I'll have the nachos with cheese please," she requested, I ordered the buttery popcorn and we waited.

Katelena squeezed my hand and I turned towards her, raising my eyebrows for her to continue.
"You know you really make me happy?" a tender smile on her angelic face.
"Why? Cause I'm buying you food?" I joked.
She let out her harmonic laugh, "Yeah, but I just mean in general. You make me really happy Dean," I brought my lips to her and placed a chaste kiss there.

"I love you," I said, "And I'd shout it to the world if you want me to."

She stood on her tip toes and replied she loved me too, with sincerity. We collected our food items and on turning around I saw someone I thought I'd never see again...

Regina Carter.

Her hazel eyes with specs of green looked between Katelena and I. Regina cupid bow's lips curled into a devilish smile as she sauntered towards us. Her eyes trained on me.

Her slim figure was still intact but it was clear to me she was getting a more toned physique. Her once long golden locks, were now cut to a shoulder length style with bouncy, vibrant red curls. I didn't like it.

"Hi, Dean," she said, drawling out my name in her slight southern accent. I couldn't seem to get the words out my throat. I just stood there, like a deer caught in headlights.

"Hi, I'm Katelena," she said extending her hand for a handshake. Regina looked at Katelena's hand, rolled her eyes and looked back to me. Katelena looked at me but my mouth was still open like a goldfish. She nudged me in my side and the words finally made their way out of my dry throat. "Regina." My acknowledgement of her was curt and unfriendly. She must know I wouldn't welcome her with open arms. Right?

In the past Regina would leave town without a warning, a notice, anything and sometimes return after weeks, the longest a month, and I'd welcome her as if I hadn't seen her in a day. She could've castrated and I would've grinned and bore the pain because I thought I loved her. I was very wrong.

"How's life been without me, sugar?"

"Just peachy, dear." I replied with a tight ingenuine smile.

"I see you have a new play thing, she's rather cute." she said the last part with bitter sarcasm.

"She's not a play thing Regina. She's my girlfriend." I said through gritted teeth.

"Finally found someone to replace me then huh?" she said releasing a small chuckle. "I can't be replaced." Her face was now serious and almost angry.

"Well, I don't mean to interrupt this adorable little reunion but don't you have somewhere to be, Regina?" Katelena said, forcing the cheer in her voice.

Regina looked at Katelena, then at me. "You know Dean, I'd take you back if you asked honey." Regina's immaculately manicured hand rubbing my bicep. She squeezed and ran her pink tongue over her lips. "You've been working out, huh babe?"
"Stop with the endearments Regina." I said. She moved her hand towards my neck and brought herself onto me. Her nipples boring into my chest. I took her arm and pushed her away, "Fuck off Regina!" those were the only words I seemed to manage to really say. Katelena just stood there, her face visibly red. Oh no, she was furious.

Without warning, Katelena grabbed Regina by her red hair. Regina stumbled in her stilettos and fell onto the ground, shooting knives at Katelena. Katelena took a passerby's drink and poured it onto Regina, ruining her makeup. "You're disrespectful as fuck. Watch who you're playing with next time bitch or you'll get more than a splash in your fucking face." She then threw her nachos onto Regina and walked away.

I knew I'd have to fix this.

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