Chapter 6

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With what I deemed the 'Hangman incident' in the back of my mind,after all it was two days ago and Damon's a prick. I decided to relax and just watch some TV.
My phone vibrated showing a message from Dean. I opened it and it read 'Do you wanna come over for Sunday lunch? You can bring Beau'
I smiled at his message and replied 'sure :)'
'great, I'll pick you up in a half hour' he replied.

I laid out what I was going to wear on my bed, a black strapless bra and a matching thong, along with a baby pink peplum top,matching shoes and white jeans.
I showered quickly and blow dried my long black hair, leaving it flowing down my back, in its natural curls, vaguely wondering whether to cut it. I put on my clothes and went hunting down Beau's leash.
I heard a knock on the door and knew it was Dean. I placed Beau on his leash, stepped into my baby pink wedges and went to the door.

Dean was a marvel. His chestnut hair sat all rumpled atop his head. His moss-green eyes sparkled, as his perfect full lips came up to crooked smile, flashing brilliant white teeth. His chiseled jaw was cleanly shaven. I swore that jawline could cut diamond. He wore slightly distressed blue jeans and a grey V-neck T-shirt, that hugged his muscles in all the right places. What is it about a man in a V-neck? "Admiring the view, Ms. Harper?" he asked, cocking one perfect dark eyebrow at me. "It is quite a view Mr.West," I laughed. Seemed like all I did around him was laugh.

Beau was trying to climb up onto Dean's leg, impatiently waiting to be acknowledged. I walked out my apartment, handed Dean the leash and locked up. To my surprise he lifted Beau into his arms and made his way down the stairs to his car. I walked closely behind, watching his long legs take the stairs with Beau in his arms.

We got into his silver Chevrolet Corvette, sparkling under the hot Lousiana sun. He opened my door and I got in gracefully, to my surprise. Dean strode to the driver's side, got in and placed a contented Beau in my lap. "You should really lock your car when coming around here" I chastised. He let out a low sexy chuckle and started up the car.

In about 10 minutes we were at his apartment. The steps led to a modern house, with a white exterior and bright red front door. Dean lived in Green Valley, an area that was favoured by local celebrities. Green Valley was quite the prestigious and pristine part of town, although his apartment was medium-sized, I knew it probably costed an arm and a leg.

We went inside his cosy apartment and I commented on how nice it was. The first thing I saw was a flat screen TV, hung on a plain white wall in front of a cozy, expensive, black couch. The kitchen, also in my line of sight, housed state of the art stainless steel appliances, with a bowl of assorted fruit atop a white marbled counter top. His apartment was spotless, and for a guy, that was astounding. It wasn't like my apartment, which was always messy, yet somehow I always managed to know where everything was.

Dean closed the door behind us and insisted on giving me a tour. I undid Beau's leash and let him run around.

Dean led me to his room first. Inside was a King sized bed, with dark red sheets, the kind of sheets you'd find in the 'Red Room of Pain', with plain white, well-fluffed pillows. Another flat screen TV occupied the wall facing his bed. Attached to his bedroom was a bathroom that would be on the front page, in one of those magazines you got from furniture stores, the only kind of magazines my mother ever read. It was amazing. A glass shower being the star of the room. The tiles were a black marble and felt cool under my bare feet. Adjacent to the shower were glass, bowl-shaped double sinks seated in a black cupboard, under a large, pristine mirror that stretched from sink to sink. I wanted to live in this bathroom, even the plain white toilet next to the sink, looked clean enough to eat off of.

Dean either had a thorough housekeeper or he had some kind of OCD.

Dean led me out his room and down the corridor into the guest room. The room's blue color made me feel extremely relaxed. The Queen sized bed was dressed in white sheets and numerous yellow pillows, varying in size. Similar the other rooms, a flat screen mirrored the bed. On the bed were several pieces of clothing. Female clothing. "My sister stops by sometimes," he stated matter of factly, "she cooks food to fill the fridge, thinks she's my mother," he mused. I could hear the adoration for her in his voice. Totes, adorbs.
We walked out onto the deck, where there was a jacuzzi. It looked so inviting and serene, that I couldn't wait to take a dip.

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