Chapter 24

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Two weeks has passed since the whole dad thing, and Dean is acting weird. Lately, he's been saying less and coming around less.

Maybe he has something against PM-sing women, I mused. No, that can't be it, since he's been around me on my period, even when I got very testy. So what is it?

I sat on the couch in my granny undies and a tank top, eating Nutella straight from the jar. I had shipped Beau off to Elise's, so I was alone with my thoughts.

I put on a pair of blue cotton shorts at the sound of a knock on the door. I sighed when I saw it was Vince, my neighbor and not Dean.

His dark brown eyes looked between me and the Nutella in my hand. "That time of the month I see," he said with a smirk.

Vince was British, with a beautiful thick accent and a full-head of dark curly hair. His dark, rich skin and pearly white teeth were adorable. He sat on my couch and crossed his legs, placing his ankle in his knee of the opposite leg.


"Like you even have to ask Kitty." he retorted. I laughed at his nickname for me, it always made me smile.

I placed a big bowl of Popcorn in between us and handed him the remote. I didn't have to guess the show he'd land on, it was either Keeping Up Appearances or The Thin Blue Line. I also favoured these old series, but the former more.

Watching Mrs.Bucket be a pretentious snob was always a laugh and poor Richard having to deal with her obnoxious ways. However, I could relate to Rose, but looking for love in married men was not a good idea, seeing as the wife of one comes to their shabby house to confront her in this episode.

Both Vince and I could predict what the characters would say off the bat. We ate the popcorn quickly and moved on to some chocolate kisses. He was my gorge buddy.
He took the jar of Nutella from me and finished it off, making me whine.
"Men!" he scoffed.
I laughed at him and he turned his brown eyes to me.

"What's the matter? You and Shane at it again?"

Vince took out his phone and showed me Shane's Instagram profile. I looked at the particular post he was showing me. It was a picture of Shane and some other guy. The caption saying 'He's always there for me in times of need -xo.'

Shane's blue eyes sparkled as he looked at the man next to him. The man was facing the camera, his green eyes wide and cropped red hair gelled in spikes. Shane's blonde hair all messy, looking like the typical All-American boy.

"Is that Redd?" I asked, looking at the bar they were in.

"Yeah. I can't believe Shane took him there?"

"Who even is that guy?"

"Shane's ex, Ian." Vince said sighing.

"Maybe he's just trying to get back at you for something."

"Then he should talk to me like an adult, and not go behind my back with his ex. Like grow the fuck up, we're not kids. Like really? Posting a pic on IG?"

"Like it." I suggested.

"Are you crazy? Why would I do that?"

"Show him that you've seen it, double tap his two-timing ass."

Vince liked the photo, and not even a minute later 'Zero' started playing as his phone rang.

"It's Shane!"

"Answer and put him on speaker, hun."

Vince obliged and silence filled the room.
"Vinny, baby..." Shane started.

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