Chapter 14

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I freshened up and Elise insisted on straightening my black hair, I gratefully obliged. Then she braided it in a fishtail plait.

Elise wore a red bandaged dress that plunged into a V towards her stomach, one of the many pieces of clothing she left at my apartment. She paired it with red stilletos and a gem-incrusted black purse. I wore a virgin white dress that clinged to me, like a second skin. The dressed formed an X high in my pale back. The midsection of the dress was sheer and I paired my ensemble with black suede 6-inch stiletto heels and diamond studs in my ears.

We hailed a cab and made our way to 'Dynasty' a very exclusive club on the north side of New Orleans. My expectations were proven, the line outside the club was long, so long that it was meandering behind the club. Women in tight clothing and high heels were trying to persuade the bouncer to let them in by fluttering their fake lashes.

"How are we going to get in?" I shouted in Elise's ear. The infectious music boomed loudly, creating a vibrant atmosphere even outside the club. Elise guided me right up to the bouncer, holding my hand. I knew she had to know him because he let us in without a protest. Women basically shot knives at us and cursed at us, clearly furious.

We made our way to the dance swinging our hips to the beat. I closed my eyes and allowed the upbeat sound to lift my spirit. I danced like I never danced before. I opened my eyes and saw Elise grinning at me. She was grinding on a blonde muscular man, who I realised was Emmett, he flashed me a grin and started whispering in El's ear. She turned towards him, snaking her arms around his neck and grinding on his front. The music changed to the chorus of A$$ and Elise really started to go wild on Emmett. I started laughing and danced along.
I was spinning; dancing and my eye caught Dean receiving a lap dance from a semi-clad slut. Her shoulder-length hair was swishing around her as her ass was practically in Dean's face. I saw red. I wanted to choke that bitch. I stormed towards them and dragged her ass away from him by her arm. "What the hell?" she said anger in her nasal voice. "Beat it slut!" I spat. She walked away but not before giving me the finger. I stood in front of Dean, glaring at him. Then I turned on my heel and walked away. Elise must have seen the whole thing because she was gaping at me.

I sat on the ground outside the club, adrenaline-filled. I didn't care if my dress got dirty, I was mad. Scratch that- furious. I could see a man's hairy feet. His large feet in grey Nike sneakers. He sank to my level and met me eye to eye. Just my fucking luck. The devil himself, was stalking me.
"Damon," I said flatly in recognition. "Ciao, gattina" he said smirking at me. "I don't have the energy to fight you off Damon," I sighed, then continuing "what're you stalking me now?"
He let out a loud laugh and he brushed my forearm with his wide hand. I cringed and got up. Dean flew out the club, his eyes scanning the crowd. His green orbs finally landed on me and he stalked towards me. He grabbed my forearm and dragged me away from Damon. "What the shit guy?" Damon exclaimed. He really didn't want to pick a fight with Dean. Letting go of my hand, Dean turned towards him and punched him straight on his. We didn't stick around to see the blood gushing out. Dean then heaved me over his shoulder and marched towards Emmett's blue Ford. "Put me down now! I'm not a fucking child!" He pretended as though I hadn't spoken, he unlocked the door of the 4x4 and planted me in the passenger seat. He got in the driver's side and placed the key in the ignition. The vehicle roared to life and he speedily drove out the parking lot towards the highway. His chiseled jaw was clenched and I knew he was angry, but his knotted eyebrows indicated he was more frustrated than anything else.

We drove in silence, I was fuming the entire time. I felt like a rebelling adolescent.

Dean came to a dirt track and drove through it which led to a beach. He disembarked and went to sit on the sand. I got out and sat next to him. The waves lapped lazily over our feet. The smell of the sea salt calmed me. The moonlight was reflected onto the swells. Dean gazed up at the full moon, his god-like features illuminated. The tears silently trickled down my face. I was fighting to say those three precious words.

Dean's POV
I turned towards Katelena. The moon's light illuminated her heart-shaped face and I could see the moisture on her angelic face. I wiped away the tears with the pad of my thumb, her long lashes fanned on her cheeks as she let out a small sigh. She looked up, her eyes showed the psychological warfare and pain. She looked directly into my eyes. And before she could speak, I whispered "I love you too."

She brought her full lips to mine and placed a tender kiss there. She pulled away and looped her arm through mine. Katelena faced the moon, her shoulders slumped as though she had been carrying the weight of the world.

And then she whispered "I love you."

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