Chapter 9

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Sigh, Mondays.

Why couldn't I look like one of those girls in the movies when I woke up? Instead I looked like a greasy piece of cheese.

I journeyed to my bathroom down the hall and looked in the mirror. Dried drool, from the corner of my mouth to the bottom of my chin could be seen, and my hair was a black bird nest on my head. Dean's T-shirt was crinkled around my petite frame.

I quickly brushed my teeth and went into my kitchen to prepare breakfast. I needed a hearty breakfast to deal with Mr.Johnson today. He was exceptionally moody on Mondays. Weren't we all?

"Morning Beau," I chirped up as soon as I saw him running towards me,wagging his tail. Putting on two eggs to boil, I fixed myself a bowl of granola. I poured Beau's chow into his silver dog bowl; he ate it happily wagging his tail. After eating my granola, I ate my finished eggs, washing it down with a glass of refreshing orange juice.
I filled Beau's water bowl and went to press a square-necked grey pencil dress for work. Turning on the TV to any random drivel, I left Beau curled up on my couch, to take a quick shower.

A steamy shower always made me feel better. I brushed my teeth again and used mouth wash to eliminate the smell of eggs from my breath. I dried myself and outfitted myself in a black push-up bra and matching lace panty. I rolled on a pair of black thigh-high stockings and looked at myself in the mirror. "You're a bad bitch, Lena," I said; my morning motivation to myself on Mondays. I brushed the knots out of my hair and pulled it into a sleek pony tail.

There was a knock at my door and I went to see who it was. I peered through the peephole and saw it was Dean. I grabbed Beau from the couch and scampered to my room to put him up.

I opened the front door and let Dean in. His mood was infectious and I began grinning like a school girl. He gazed at me and grinned even wider. He placed a kiss on my forehead and proceeded into my home, sitting on the couch. I closed the door and went to him; straddling him. He rubbed his pointed- nose against mine and grinned. "I came to take you to work, since you said your car's in the shop."
"How considerate of you," I responded. Dean mentioned how delectable I looked and begun to run his hands up and down my spine. Goosebumps appeared where he touched me and I was hyperventilating. "D-Dean, if you continue I'll never g-get to work," my voice trembling. I rose off him before he could protest and went to finish dress. Beau barged out of my room barrelling towards Dean, jumping onto his lap and licking his chin. Lucky, Beau.

I grabbed  my black leather handbag and my black stiletto heels, putting them on, rushing back to Dean. His red flannel shirt and dark snug jeans were covered in a few dog hairs. Standing and brushing them off, Dean walked out, with me following in his wake. I locked up and went to give my neighbor, Vince, my key so he could check in on Beau.

I arrived at work in double-time, seeing as Dean drove hurriedly to avoid me being late. We stopped outside my place of work- Johnson Consolidated, and Dean turned towards me, cautiously bringing his face in for a kiss. I brought my lips to his and we kissed. My lower abdomen clenched. The kiss was passionately sensuous. Time felt like it stopped when we were kissing. His left hand moved further up thigh but then he pulled away, his pupils dilated. "Have a good day, gorgeous," he said after clearing his throat.

I stumbled out of his car and almost fell flat on my face. "Something on your mind?" he asked chuckling. Bastard.

I closed his door but not after I glared at him. He drove away speedily and I swore I could still hear him laughing.

Stupid, beautiful, sex god.

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