Chapter 16

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~ Two months later~

I was somewhat apprehensive to meet Dean's parents. He had already met my brother, but by pure accident. Dean had arrived at my apartment when Kris was visiting and decided to introduce himself as my boyfriend. However, I was elated that the two hit it off. Siblings were one thing, but parents? That was a whole different ball game. Dean knew the story of my parents. The only family member worth him meeting was Kris.

Elise came over to assist me in getting ready, since I was as nervous as a cow at a beef factory. She went through my wardrobe and picked out something "classy." She chose a simple knee length, black thin strapped dress. The dress flowed around me. She paired it with white wedges and decided to fix my hair in a tight bun with a few tendrils escaping at the sides. Elise loved to imagine I was her life-sized barbie. For the first time in forever, I wore makeup. A smoky eyeshadow with pink lip gloss. It was like I was her blank canvas. She winged my eyeliner, giving me perfect cat eyes.

There was knock at my front door and I knew it was Dean. I practically ran to the door, excited to see him. Where did this new Lena come from? Dean wore a navy blue scoop neck T-shirt and faded snug jeans. His large feet wore matching blue Nike sneakers. I felt a tad bit overdressed.
He waltzed inside smiling. Dean looked at me from top to bottom and gave me a chaste kiss on my right cheek "You look lovely, I can't wait to get you out of those clothes," he whispered, his lips brushing against my ear.
"Oh, get a room!" Elise shouted, holding her stomach, laughing. I grinned at her and gave Dean a wink. Elise wrapped me in a tight hug, reassuring me that they'd love me but also wishing me luck. I wasn't good at meeting new people, I never knew how to act or the right things to say. So most the time I kept quiet but today'd I'd get out my comfort zone, just for my stud- muffin.

We pulled up at a cosy beach house, within a mile radius from my apartment. The beach house's yellow brick exterior reminded me of the houses I saw in Grenada. In front the house were palm trees varying in height. We followed the sandy path to the front porch, where two rocking chairs sat. The sight caused me to reminisce. I remembered something Dean once told me "I want to grow old with you, Katelena"
The ocean breeze blew my dress, flashing my neon pink thong with hearts. "Jesus Kat! Are you trying to make me a horny sixteen year old boy?" Dean chuckled good-naturedly. He grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, his face showing concern and adoration for me. My heart clenched. God, I loved this man.

We walked through front door and a middle-aged woman came barrelling towards us. To my surprise Dean actually rolled his eyes. I let out a small laugh, but the air was squeezed out of me as the woman hugged me. She had her topaz hair in a shiny bob just below her ears, and a bang that ended just above her eyes. Her thin-strapped red dress curved around her supple bosom and followed to her ankles just above her matching sandals. Holding me at arms length she examined me. "Hello Katelena, I'm Dean's mom, Diana." her full glossy lips moving as she spoke, she had a slight accent that I couldn't place. Her pointy nose was spotted with freckles and her wide eyes seemed to reflect the ocean's color. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. West."
"Please call me Diana," she retorted, leading us to the tiny dining room.

The six-seater wooden table was draped in a cream tablecloth which was littered with an enticing variety of foods. Fried chicken, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, tossed salad, dinner rolls, vegetable rice and a barbecue sauce in a cruet. "You made all this?" my question directed at Dean's mother. She nodded "Except the dinner rolls and barbecue sauce, Stephanie made those."
"Steph doesn't divulge the ingredients of her barbecue sauce either," Dean said laughing lightly. "What is it about your sister and sauces?" I asked laughing along.
As if on cue, Stephanie walked into the dining room, radiating poise. Her turquoise peplum blouse and white jeans showcased her elegance, along with strappy black stilettos that accompanied her ensemble.

"Some secrets are better left hidden," she answered releasing a bell like laugh. "How's my favourite customer?" She came to me and wrapped me in a light hug, a familiar cologne washing over me, making me nauseous. Her eyes matched those of Dean's, but her straight hair, which ended just below her ears, matched that of her mother's.

In came none other than the devil himself. "I want you guys to meet my boyfriend, Damon. We've been together for about what?" "Eight months, babe," Damon said pecking her temple.

I looked up to God "are you shitting me right now big guy?"

I reached over to Dean's hand and squeezed it. He looked at me, his green eyes hardened and his jaw clenched. Damon stared back at Dean, mirroring him. "I can just about smell the testosterone," Stephanie whispered chuckling. Can this day get any worse?
Damon looked down at me grinning "Ahh, gattina."
I informed Stephanie that we all knew each other, unfortunately. But I didn't go into details, that was for her sake. She didn't need to know about all that drama, yet. This wasn't the time nor the place. But she did need to know he cheated on her.

Dean and I sat opposite Stephanie and her demon. Dean's mother sat at the head of the table and we all began conversing. "Good afternoon everyone," boomed a raspy voice. A tall lean man with a full head of silver hair walked into the dining room, dressed in khakis and a crisp white Polo shirt tucked into his pants. He was the kind of man I would've wanted my father to be. The stereotypical family man. His charcoal eyes sat under grey bushy eyebrows. Above his trimmed beard was a long slightly crooked nose. His tanned skin glistened. He was as beautiful as Dean.

Stephen West kissed his wife chastely on her temple then went to sit at the other end of the table. He smiled at his children. We all held hands and said grace thanking God for the meal. The group then delved into the food and began talking animatedly. Dean leaned over to me whispering a thanks in my ear. He was happy that even though I was nervous, I sucked it up, just for him.
I could feel eyes on me and the disgust I felt indicated it was Damon. His midnight blue eyes bored into me.
Dean brought his index finger to my chin and made me look at him. Dean started to kiss me, possessively. His hand on my knee. He was showing Damon he owned me- he owned my heart. Someone cleared their throat and we broke apart. I honestly forgot they were even there.

"So Katelena, what do you do?" Diana asked. I talked about work and discovered Dean's father actually owned shares in Johnson Consilated. He discussed how he was thrilled that Harrison's son, Reymar was taking over. "I think it's about time Harrison retired," he said chuckling.
I was conscious of Dean's hand inching up my thigh. His mother began asking questions after question and my voice became high-pitched. Dean was rubbing the outside of my thong with his thumb, teasing me. Needless to say, it was soaked. "Dean, kindly stop distracting Ms. Harper under the table," his mother commanded sweetly batting her lengthy eyelashes. I must've turned as red as a cherry. Everyone stared at us, so he stopped his sweet torture. Damon was laughing his stupid face off and Stephanie was chastising him. Dean excused himself and held out his hand for me, I gladly took it and he led me down the hall. His parents' retirement home was lovely. We lay on the bed of the guest room staring up at the popcorn ceiling. "I never knew you were religious," I observed.
"I'm not, but I do thank God for you everyday," his voice utterly sincere.

I reached between us and intwined our fingers.

It was night time now and we were walking on the beach, hand in hand. Dean sank to the ground, with me in between his legs, resting on his warm chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe, at home. We silently watched the waves lap onto the white sand.
"I've never been happier," I whispered. I know we were only together for about three months but I knew this was real.

I knew I had finally found true love.

Say You Love MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora