Chapter 10

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I walked in grinning from ear to ear, greeting my colleagues as I headed to my office. The journey in the elevator to the tenth floor, was a quick one. I entered my small-scale office and put my handbag down onto my glass desk. Then I headed to Mr.Johnson's office, to greet him and receive any tasks he had for me.

Hunched over a stack of papers was a once plump man, now frail and haggard. Not the man he used to be when he started this company. Now Harrison Johnson had greying dirty blonde hair and a receding hairline. Ever since his wife, Melissa left him, he let himself go to the dogs. His grey eyes and pointed nose made him look quite elfin, of course his miniature stature did nothing to thwart this effect. His thin lips were planted on a pale face with protruding cheekbones, indicating a rapid loss in weight. It's funny how, a bad breakup could really screw with people, both physically and emotionally. But he brought it upon himself. He was a pervert and adulterer, and Melissa had had enough. She was fed up of hearing about her husband's less than commendable deeds, especially when he went on one of his regular business trips. To say the man was a cliché expression of a cheating prominent man, would be nothing less than the despairing truth. But you reap what you sow, and this was harvest time.

Now Melissa Montgomery again, she was fabulous in all her voluptuos glory. The divorce brought back the color in the forty-five year old's cheeks and the glint in her charcoal eyes. The gloss in her strawberry blonde hair returned and she looked extremely healthy, now that her dick of a husband was out of her life. She acquired half of everything during the divorce settlement. Although Mr. Johnson had gotten a prenuptial agreement, he had breached it by cheating and so Melissa was entitled to half of everything, which made her very wealthy. I did feel sympathetic towards their children though, especially fifteen year old Rayha, who was hurt by her father's actions. Their son, who was my age, Reymar, portrayed a blasé attitude towards the whole ordeal. I knew from my own experience it was a coping mechanism; pretend something didn't happen to stop the hurt; the pain.

"Good morning, Mr. Johnson," I greeted, forcing a smile for him. "I didn't see you there, Miss Harper, come in," he retorted gesturing for me to sit in one of the two black leather seats in front his oversized oak desk. I walked towards him, his grey eyes trained on my lean legs. He cleared his throat and continued, "There is a meeting today to discuss changes that are going to be made this company. So executive staff and yourself will sit in."
"I must commend you on how efficiently you work, Katelena," he expressed, his face impassive.

My face clearly showcased my shock because my boss let out a hearty laugh. In all my time working here so far, he had never commended or thanked me, just critiqued me. I wasn't someone who really made work related mistakes but that didn't stop him from finding some microscopic error in my work and making a big deal out of nothing. He was hardly a perfectionist, I believed he just wanted to find any reason to chastise me.

Mr. Johnson politely dismissed me. He left me with a free day. With nothing to do, I checked my messages and saw a message from Dean.

"Maybe we should finish what we started this morning ;)" His text made me smile. "Sure, my work is so boring right now, I have nothing to do :("
"Same here, wanna get some lunch with me?" Dean replied.
"Sure, we can go around 12."

I was impatiently waiting until lunch time just to see my Adonis. My?

Sigh, time at last. "Katelena?
There's a Dean West here to see you," the receptionist's monotone came through the intercom. "Thanks Nicole, I'll be right down," I replied my voice mirroring hers.
I quickly straightened out my dressed and grabbed my handbag making my way to the lobby, where Dean stood casually leaning against the wall.
He wore a crisp, white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His defined biceps bunched under his shirt as he crossed his muscular arms. Dean's gold Rolex caught the filtered midday sunlight.

His slender hips and long powerful legs were clothed in black, well-tailored slacks. His large feet wore exquisite polished,black, square-mouthed shoes.
I approached him, with a flirtatious smile plastered on my pale face. He held out his hand and I placed a slender arm into the crook of his arm. Together we walked out of the lobby into the street. Nicole was clearly gawking. Had she no shame?

The sweltering heat hit me like a truck. I missed my cool, air conditioned office, where sweat didn't seem to exist.

Considering the dry heat, we drove to a quaint restaurant not too far from my office. The silence between us somehow wasn't awkward. It was refreshing not to fill every moment with conversation.

The restaurant's aged exterior provided much charm. A green marquee displayed the name " Cuisine Fantaisie," elaborately written in a bright yellow italic font.
The establishment was a casual one, therefore no reservation was needed. But they did serve fancy food.
The inside was packed with several seating areas, we strolled to a booth towards the back and sat., opening the menus on the plain olive green tablecloth."How was your day so far?" he inquired. "It was good, considering I had nothing to do, how about you?"

A blonde waiter towered over us, greeting us politely. His navy eyes were trained on me. Dean cleared his throat impatiently and ordered us both the lamb with aubergine.
"Well I had a meeting with a marketing director, to try to expand Teaze, it didn't go to well sad to say." He continued talking and I realised I was just watching his beautiful lips move.
He let out a low sensuous chuckle and came closer to me so that our thighs were brushing.

I got up quickly, startling him, almost running to the bathroom. There I took off my black lace panty and balled it up into my hand. I almost sprinted back to the table and sat next to Dean. He looked at me puzzled. I leant forward, "These are for you," whispering in his ear; stroking his thigh. I unrolled my underwear from my hand, showing it to him under the table. The wicked grin he gave me just made me want to jump his bones.

I stuffed my panty into his suit pants and commenced eating my lunch. He looked at me, laughing quietly.

"Get up," his voice holding much authority. I stood. My legs felt like jello, he snaked his arm around my waist and led me into the bathroom. "Males aren't supposed to be in here," I said, the adrenaline rushing through my body.
We went into a clean cubicle and he locked the door. "Don't scream," he commanded. Was it odd, that his arrogance was a turn on?
He bent me over so that my palms rested on the top of the toilet. He pushed my dress up to my hips. I heard Dean unzip his fly, "this is going to be quick."

He guided his length to my entrance and quickly filled me, releasing a loud groan. His thrusts were urgent; the danger of being caught making this even more sexy.
His fingers dug into my hips. The sound of his balls hitting my backside echoing through the cubicle. I let out a lengthy moan. I started to pant, my heart a tattoo against my chest. Dean's fingers came around to my front and slowly he tortured me. His long fingers rubbed my swollen clit; teasing me. He groaned my name, his hot seed shooting inside me. I squeezed my eyes shut and orgasmed.

On shaky legs, I stood up smoothing my dress onto myself. Dean fixed himself and gave me an apologetic look. Only then did I realise he hadn't used a condom.

Shit, shit, shit!

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