Chapter 13

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It was easy to get Damon out my apartment after that scene. He walked out, feeling victorious. I despised him. He made a ridiculous altercation look like something entirely different. Why was he so dense?

I thought we were friends. We used to flirt and joke around at his gym. Now I wanted nothing to do with him. I didn't even want to see his name on a piece of paper. I didn't want to smell 'Obsession,' (Ironic, huh?) the cologne he always wore, for the rest of my miserable existence.

I closed my door. Then slid onto the ground with tears falling freely from my eyes. I just had to fuck it up. I sent hundreds of messages to Dean, apologising, trying to get him to hear me out. But it seemed he was ignoring me. I let out a long sigh and curled up into a ball at the base of the door allowing my emotions to take over.

Dean's POV
I couldn't let her see me like this. Weak. Hurt. I turned off my phone and lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. I wasn't a crier, but she made me want to. I felt less than a man. I could feel the moisture in my eyes. How could she do this to me? I clearly thought this 'relationship' was more than it was. I guess I misread her. Maybe I should just give her some space. If she cares she'll come back to me.

~One week later~
One week of torture, one week without her. I hadn't spoken or seen Katelena since that fatal day. I couldn't rid my mind of the scene I saw.

The man she was with, he was better looking than me, he was taller than me, maybe he was better than me. Maybe Katelena was tired of my clingy behaviour. Maybe he was better for her and to her. I couldn't help but compare her to Regina Carter, my "ex".

After a strenuous session of mind-blowing sex, Regina's head lay on my bare chest. Her lengthy blonde hair splayed on my pillow, a gleaming halo. I idolised Regina, I thought she was the epitome of beauty and perfection. Her perky double-D's and pear-shaped figure made my heart stutter. Regina was amazing, her stamina reveled mine just like Katelena's did. Running my hands through the golden strands, I whispered "I love you," she got up and started dressing. I swore she said "this can't be happening again."
"Look Dean, I told you from the beginning I wasn't interested in you like that." she muttered, her rounded face depicting a tinge of pity. Her hazel eyes, with specs of green, watched me, a predator watching its prey. In that moment I knew I was just that- her prey.

Emmett warned me about her. Regina just liked to use people, whether it was for sex, money or fame. She had a goal and that goal obviously did not include me. I know that, now. Subconsciously I was trying to change her, that's what I did. I tried to find the good in everyone. And now, I needed to find the good in Katelena. But I know now that I only lusted after Regina, I didn't love her. I loved someone else.

Katelena's POV
I hadn't eaten in days, the feeling of pain weighing on my mind. The time reflected my mood, dark.

It hadn't been the first time I was left. You would think I would be used to it by now, the rejection. But who really and truly gets used to it? No one enjoys the feeling of being dumped, unless you're some sick masochistic person. The only masochism I liked was in the bedroom.

I knew I should've just visited Dean at home, but wouldn't that seem stalker-ish? I had to explain but my stupid pride kept me in the way. It was awful not to see Dean, Beau's comfort only could go so far. I needed to feel his tone tanned arms wrapped around me. I needed to feel his soft, full lips kissing me passionately. I needed to feel. I just needed to.

There was a knock at my door, I desperately hoped it was Dean but it wasn't, it was Elise. Her face showed concern as she looked at me. My onyx hair was tangled and I was draped in Dean's white T-shirt and his sweatpants, for the past few days. I took a vacation from work, I really couldn't go through putting on a facade when I looked like something Beau shits out.

Elise wrapped me in a tight hug. "I haven't heard you in forever Lena, so I had to check up on my best friend."
Elise made me some green tea and sat next to me on the couch, rubbing my back comfortingly. "Gosh Lena, I haven't seen you like this since you-know-who," we never called him by his name, Jonathan. Used tissues littered the wooden floor along with used cups of tea. I couldn't keep down food when I was all emotional, just tea. So that's all I drank. "What happened Lena? Talk to me," Elise's almond-shaped hazel eyes goading me. I described the day Damon and I had sex and the day he made an unwelcomed return. "El, you should've seen Dean, he was so hurt, I wanted to explain but I never got the chance," my voice was hushed as I sniffled.
"See what I tell you about this world? People are too damn proud. They allow their ridiculous pride to stop beautiful things!", Elise pulled out her phone and dialled Dean's number, it went straight to voicemail "I'm not available right now, please leave a message." I could recall it from memory, because that's all I got for a week- his voicemail.

"Gosh I thought Damon was better than that," Elise said her black eyebrows furrowed. "So did I, El."

She suggested we go out clubbing to get my mind off Dean for awhile.

Little did I know she had a master plan.

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