Chapter Three

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Selena's pov
I wake up in an un familiar room, sweetly scented sheets curl around my body, enlaced with warmth and comfort.

My mind blank until the memories sweep over me, everything comes flooding back into my head causing my heart rate to increase.

Soon to notice that two strong arms snaked around my waist with a tight grip, oddly sending me a feeling of comfort, I know who it is and the feeling slowly fades to vanishment.

My body stiff under his touch as I debate wither I should try untangling myself from Justin's strong biceps or waiting till he wakes. Eventually my patience grows thin, shifting from his grip only to be magnetized back into his hold, well that was effective.

"10 more minutes" he mumbles in my ear with his raspy morning voice, sending shivers down my spine.

Closing my eyes as I felt them grow heavy without any of my guidance I felt slumber wash over me, considering I haven't had a good night sleep in the past 12 and such years.

Justin's pov
The gentle stir of Selena wakes me from my sleep endured coma, her body wiggles under my hold but soon gives up, knowing she's not going to slip through my grasp.

Moments later the soft rhizomatic exhales escape from Selena's sweet lips, sending me the signal that she's sleeping which gives me to opportunity to slid from the thinly made sheets we lay under, heading for the shower.


The steam enlaced water unites knots from under my skin, letting my thoughts crack open and swirl to the smoking hot Selena laying under those sheets.

Her caramel like skin makes me wanna devour her in an instant, that sweet touch drives me with such vulnerability.

Her slender figure roars with pain as she's clearly been drawn with a dark past, something I don't want to tangle myself up in yet knowing myself I most likely will one way or another.

This girls danger, hidden behind those saucer brown orbs is scares laced with fresh cuts.

Feeling my fingers prune along with my toes from the amount of time Ives spent lingering in the shower I decide its best to get out. Twisting my fingers around the sleek silver I shit the water from drizzling over my exposed body.

Wrapping a fresh white towel to hang lowly on my hips before exiting the humid bathroom to the cold sweep of fresh air to flush over my barely covered body.

Scanning the room thoroughly I catch a glance of my balcony doors and how they have been placed open. Without a trace of Selena's presence I trot towards the balcony.

Spotting Selena's body huddled together on the love seat, her chocolate brown hair dangling around in the sweetly scented morning air swarming around her.

Selena's pov
I woke up from the sound of a shower turning on. I knew it was Justin because I didn't feel his warm shirtless body up against my back. I slipped myself out of bed and decided to be kind and make the bed, maybe then he won't rape me out abuse me if I get on his good side.

I have to say though he is probably one of the hottest guys I know. Even though he's an asshole who kidnaps, rapes, and abuses innocent woman for the fun of hearing them beg for mercy.

I finish making the bed and just feel like I need some air. I see Justin has a balcony so I grasp the cold silver handles and push the two glass doors open.

Never Too Late » Jelena Fanfic <Deleting>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora