Chapter Twenty Two

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Selena's pov
I hesitated at first, keeping my place at the broken down door frame, soon darted down the hallway, stumbling over the stairs in the process. Loud banging echoed the house representing gun shots, I couldn't tell which was the attackers and which where Justin's.

I caught my foot on something, tripping down the stairs clumsy. I landed on my back, my eyes flickering around as footsteps filled the all to silent air.

My hands flip me onto stomach before pushing myself off the cold hard wooded floor. The footsteps echoed from down the hall way, gunshots silenced along with the footsteps. I held my breath hoping it wouldn't draw any attention my way.

It's all to quiet but I feel if a move I might catch the attention. After a minute or two more I couldn't help it, I stepped forward squeezing my face together in case there's a god damn bomb or something planted into the wood. A loud unsettling creek echoed the room from up the stairs and it wasn't Justin.

A small group of tall men darted down the steps wearing black crisp suits. I froze, their eyes covered behind thick black shades but they didn't look to friendly. Reality hit me as I heard a loud grunt from the top of the stairs, this seems to catch the attention of the four men approaching me.

"SELENA MOVE" a booming voice filled the room before gunshots took its place, I knew that voice and I knew to trust it. I ran down the hall, pushing open the nearest door and slamming it shut before locking it. More gunshots echoed throughout our house, this one was supposed to be safer, different. We were gonna start a life here, but I should have known this was gonna happen since all I do is let the people I love die for my selfish as-, *gunshot*.

A unbearable silence fell upon the house, my imaginations took over. He could be dead or kidnapped or be in torture or-, "Sel" oh thank god. Justin's soft voice muffled though the thickly wooded door. I swiftly slide the lock open, popping open the door to be faced with Justin.

His expression was unreadable, he looked worried and concerned but also brave and proud. "Baby I'm, I-I-" he stumbled across the right words to say, honestly he's how the hell was he gonna explain this to someone like me who's gonna have an emotional break down. I didn't bother letting him finish, my hands cupped his face bringing out lisp together.

His body relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer, his hands moved up my waist. He moved over the area I landed on when I fell and I cringed into the kiss. He quickly pulled away, worry broke out on his face. "Baby did I hurt you, I'm sorry, f*ck baby I'm sorry" he muttered under his breath.

His worried expression grew as he snapped into reality, "we need to leave, now" Justin spoke quickly, worry filled his eager voice. Justin's hand slipped into mine, pulling me out of the room and guiding me down the hallway.

His paced quicken to the point where we were in a a full out sprint for the nearest exit. "Just-," I started, trying to slow him down but he didn't. "Not now, please" he said as his eyes flickered across the silenced house. I didn't bother protesting, his voice was filled with determination.


We exited our house at the same pace we ran towards Justin's black Ferrari. Justin's hand didn't break from mine, he opened the passenger door for me and kissed my forehead. He quickly pulled out the keys and placed them in my hand. "Drive to the nearest hotel and stay in a room on the second floor, I'll come for you. I love you" he spoke, nothing more before locking the door and slamming in before I could protest.

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