Chapter Thirty

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Selena's pov
The strong scent of coffee whirls around me as I push myself from the kitchen table, approaching the now brewed coffee.

Grasping my fingers around the cold empty mug, filling it with the boiling liquid before walking back over towards the balcony. Justin's body was laying peacefully in the warmth of the sheets that curl around his exposed body.

Pushing the large glass doors open and keeping them open I shift towards the love seat covering a small amount of the huge balcony.

The sweet morning buzz of air weaves itself through my already tangled hair, slipping it from my shoulders in a swift movement. Crossing my legs comfortably with the large mug warming me instantly from the caffeine enlaced fumes dancing around me.

Watching the bare beaches be bathed by the shimmering blue water, seeing nothing but the oceans wrath grow stronger by the minutes at pass.

A smile crosses my expression as nothing but the soothing water merging with the bleach white untouched sand to fill my ears. Flickering my eyes across the beautiful sunrise something catches my attention.

A little girl, not any older than seven wonders the deserted streets that lay underneath me, her tiny arms clinging onto the small torn apart teddy bear as if it's all she has.

No one seems to be around her, not a single other soul searching for her or noticing her.

She slides her petit body down the jagged brick wall, seeing the tears burning her eyes even from this distance. She crawls into a ball, hearing her faint sobs from the distance separating the two of us.

Watching her brings tears to my eyes, seeing nothing more than a breaking solider girl who has lost the large confidence most kids should wear proudly.

She moves her head from her knees, tilting her head up towards the shy. Her piercing eyes lock with mine, the emerald like orbs soaked with hurt and confusion as she cuddles closer to the dirty, rag clothing.

Without even having a trace of hesitation to cross my mind I dart towards the hallway, dropping my mug in the process which sends the shattering notice to echo the otherwise silent streets of Florida.

"S-Selena" Justin's raspy morning voice speaks, clearly frazzled from how he woke up, shit.

"Hey Justin, I'll be right back okay" I hurry my words, quickly sliding my wallet into the palm of my hands, slipping past the door before rushing down the hallway.

Once I exited the building I searched the bare streets, spotting the little girl across the streets as she shifted to her feet. Approaching her slowly as every step I took I could see the envy in her eyes grow.

Reaching her tiny body her eyes glue to her feet, not daring to even move a muscle as she wore a suit of horror.

"H-Hey, I spoke up, seeing her eyes flicker from the grey pavement to my eyes before shying away quickly. "Are y-you alone out here?" I asked, seeing a small tear shed from her mint green eyes.

Her bottom lips pouted as she began crying, tear by tear falling to the tinted pavement like rain pounding the cold ground. I quickly pulled her into a hug, feeling the sadness vibrate around her.

She didn't speak but I could tell she wasn't gonna be able to push anything out into a logical sentence. I understood her as every time my eyes meet her I see a mirror from my childhood.

"Shh your alright, your alright" I whisper into her knot crazed dusty blond hair, falling down her back.

I pulled from the hug as well as she did, "what's your name sweetheart" I whispered, feeling her shaking body grow calmer although she didn't respond, not even a whimper of words pushed from her small lips.

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