Chapter Eight

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Selena's pov

I can't believe I went 24 hours without kissing Justin's soft, lovable lips. I've gone mad, but its currently 6:00 am and I could kiss Justin but of course hes asleep, why am I not shocked, ugh I can't sleep.

I slip out of Justin's grip and walk to my suitcase, we still haven't settled in completely, I rummage though there, looking for work out clothes, but no finding anything. I wanted to go for a run, but i'll settle for a calm walk. Grabbing a piece of paper, I scribble down where I am going so he doesn't freak out, like yesterday.

I place the note on the nightstand beside the bed, and with that i'm out. Heading towards the glass sliding door, pushing it open. I step into the cool sand, letting my feet sink into it. I began walking beside the water. Every once in a while a small wave would hit my feet, the cool morning water sending shivers though my body.

Damn the sunrise is beautiful here, I sign soaking up the morning sun raise, peeking from over the ocean. I watch the sun rise for quiet a while, the soothing sound of small waves, colliding with the beach.  The sun is now above the horizon, damn I must have been gone for a while. I stand up, dusting off the sand from my body, and turn to walk back home.

Wait what is this way, or no I think I was supposed to go right. Dammit I was lost, the sun is still hovering about the horizon. "Lost darling" a familiar voice says, causing me to whip my head around in that direction. I freeze as I see him "J-jack" I choke out, not moving a muscle. He begins walking towards me, a smirk plastered on his face. "Miss me baby"

"What d-do you w-want" I say weakly, he grips onto my waist, causing me to gasp. "DONT-don't touch me" I say immediately regretting it as his fist comes In contact with my stomach, I bend over in pain. That's gonna leave a mark, shit. "Hey no need to be so rough, that's where I come in" an all to familiar voice says, echoing the empty beach.

"About time you got here Paul" Jack spoke, patting Paul's back. Their eyes both fixed on me, what did I do. "Listen here you bitch" he hissed " you should have come home with me, now your gonna regret it" he spat, his palm came in contact with my cheek, pain shooting though me. I'm hunched down on my knees, holding my stomach and check in pain.

The pain only got worse as they continued to punch and kick me, my vision slowly becoming blurry. "Let's get something straight bitch" Paul said leaving down to me. "No matter where you go, or who your with I'll always find you and torture you" he hissed, kicking me one last time in my rib cage.

I thought they were gone, I thought I could hobble back to Justin and cuddle into his chest, enveloping in his scent, but no. Moments later my body was being tied up, I was to weak and in to much pain to fight back. My body was tied in knots and tossed roughly in the back of a van. "I missed this sel, didn't you" Paul said sickly, stroking me cheek. That's all I remember before my vision went black


Justin's pov
I wake up to my body shivering. Selena wasn't beside me, like she was last night, she must be down stairs making breakfast or something. I got out of our bed and right before I exited the room, I noticed a bright yellow sticky note stuck to the nightstand. I grab it out of confusion and see Selena's writing on it

Hey babe
I couldn't sleep and I didn't wanna wake you so I went for a walk.
It's around 6:30 am right now, I'll be back around 8:00 am, okay love you

I sign and place the note down on the nightstand. I freeze, the clock on the night side reads 12:38 (mid day) she said she should have be back around 8 right. I grab the note again and scan it, once, then twice, then god knows how many times. Where the f*ck is she.

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