Chapter Fiveteen

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Selena's pov
"I'm sorry I think I heard you wrong, what did you say" they couldn't of just said Paul's back. "Selena he had been blackmailing us since you called me" Sidney said softly. "W-what does h-he want" I choke out, suddenly having a huge lump at the back of my throat. "You".

Sidney stared back at me, waiting for an answer, a response something but I didn't give her one. Why can't Paul back off, I don't know why I'm so precious to him since all he does is abuse me and rape me. He can find any other slut to do that with, why me.

My thoughts crowded my head, I couldn't think straight, "were leaving right after christmas" Ryan mumbled in a soft tone, I don't think I was supposed to hear that. "WAIT WHAT YOU GUYS CAN'T LEAVE", why would they leave me after they just told me my asshole of a step father, who also kidnapped me and raped me is coming after me for round 2.

"Selena, were not leaving you" Sidney paused and signed heavily, "your coming with us" she said calmly, her voice hushed. "I-I can't d-do that, no I'M NOT DOING THAT" I snap sounding more harsh then I wanted. I couldn't leave with them to god knows were and jus to forget about Justin, I couldn't forget about this even if I tried.

"Selena it's not safe here anymore, we can come back for Justin once he leaves prison" Ryan replays coldly, even though It know it hurts him to leave his best friend. " I know you have left him before he should be used to it by now from you, but I'm not going to leave him" I mumble under my breath, soon regretting it.

"WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU JUST SAY" rayn snaps, shit he heard me. "Rayn I'm sorry I don't know were that came from" I say, nothing more than a whisper. "You know what Selena how about we just leave you hear, LET YOU GET RAPPED AGAIN EVEN THOUGH YOU PROBABLY LIKED IT SINCE YOUR NOTHING MORE THAN A WASTE OF SPACE WHORE" Ryan yells, slamming his hands against the steering wheel.

"RYAN" Sidney says slapping his chest and exiting the car. I noticed we were parked and we are at Ryan and Sidney's house. "I-I'm sorry" I stutter weakly to Ryan before exiting the car. I don't think I'm wanted at there house so why not just walk home. Me and Justin's house is only a 30 minute walk from here and it's not to Late, I could make it.

The sun slowly slips behind the calm ocean, I've got a long walk ahead, so why not make the most of it and enjoy the scenery. My arms curl around my chest, cuddling myself together as my feet counting to walk forwards. At this sims the sun has almost disappeared behind the horizon, causing the cold night air to hit my shivering body.

Wind whisks though my hair, sending it beside me. I can't remember how much longer I have to walk but I know I'm al least pasted have way. Houses lights start flickering off and the street lights guide my way. Heading toward the sand cover beach, I slid my converse off and hooking my fingers around the heel.

My socks hit the cool night sand, causing me to cringe at the feeling of sand and socks. I slide my beige tinted socks, tossing them into my shoes. A flash of terror hits me hard, once I hear another pair of feet closely behind mine. Shit. I began to pick up the pace, hoping it was just nothing more than a bird or someone going on a late night jog.

Whipping my head around, my eyes flicker up and down the beach. Nothing, there's no one there weird. I could have sworn I heard some one following. Pushing out a breath i didn't realize I was holding in and slowly turn my head to I front of me.

"Hello darling" an all to familiar voice rings though my ears. There he was, standing inches away from me. His devilish smirk plastered on his lips, making me want to gag and scream. I didn't move, I was frozen in the spot. Just when I though I got away from him, It's never over is it, the pain, the terror and everything else.

I finally was brought back to reality blinking a few times to notice Paul wasn't in front of me anymore. Was he ever there at all? Was it just a hallucination? Some sick joke? It didn't matter as long as he wasn't near me I was fine. In fact his feet print weren't there at all, jeez I need to take a nap, a long one for that matter.

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