Chapter Thirteen

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Selena's pov


Those same words echo though my head, my whole body shut down, I lost him I lost everything. 2 year, "TWO F*KING YEARS" a familiar deep voice screams angrily thought the silent room, Justin. Muffled laughs spiral around the room, how is this funny.

The laughs come from a sicking month, the same month that has cussed at me, called me worthless, a slut, a whore, a waste of space, the same mouth that has spat on me well I've been nothing more than a innocent child. That mouth happens to be attacked to the even more sicking body. The same body that has punched, kicked and slapped me.

He always has to win doesn't. He killed my father, mother, through my boyfriend in jail, and killed me inside out. I couldn't think of anything positive, I'm broken. "SELENA BABY, I LOVE YOU, I ALWAYS WILL" Justin yelled struggling in the grip of 4 body guards. "JUST LET ME, GET THE F*CK OFF ME, LET ME SAY GOODBYE YOU ASSHOLE" Justin yelled clearly pissed off and fought against their grip.

I stood up, not knowing where my legs were taking me. Running up towards Justin, the security guards released their grip. Jumping into Justin's arms, inhaling his scent, it will be the last time I'll get to for 2 years. Jumping up and wrapping my legs around his torso, my arms wrapping tightly around his neck.

" I love you I love you I love you, I love you Justin" I mumble between sobs into his neck. "Baby it's okay, before you know it I'm gonna be out and by your side again" Justin said, nothing more than a whisper. My sobs grew heavier, and I felt someone pull on my waist. "Selena let the poor boy go" an evil voice said and pulled me off of Justin.

"DONT F*CKING TOUCH HER PAUL" Justin screamed, running towards me, pushing him off me. "I love you, be safe, I want you to stay with Rossana and Sidney until I come back" swallowing hard, I nod . Grabbing his face and locking our lips together, I didn't know how I was gonna make it for two years without him.

Justin's was soon back to struggling to keep the security guarded off him pushing, shoving, kicking nothing worked. I watched the love of my life be sent off to jail for 2 years.


Driving home after court was the worst feeling ever, especially since Justin lost the case. I didn't feel like talking to anyone other than Justin right now. I just went straight home, not bothering to tell anyone how it went.

Pulling into the driveway after a long drive full of tears, regrets, more tears and just plain misery. Unlocking the door to the beach house, I threw myself against the couch and broke down, hard. I cried so much until, I had no tears left. I felt empty, alone, unsafe. I couldn't feel like this anymore, but what was I gonna do.

Justin pov
"What size are you" an asshole of an officer asks me (no offence to anyone who is a police officer or anything like that), "so when can I get bailed out" I ask ignoring his question. "Tell me your size and I'll answer" he snapped, he doesn't scare me.

He's shorter than me by a couple inches, he has black hair gelled back under his police hat. He doesn't look to buff, definitely way less than me, I could easily beat the crap out of him but that would cause more time apart from Selena.

I told him my size and he handed me a big orange jumpsuit, awesome. "You gonna answer the question or what" I growl, clenching my jaw tightly. He rolls his eyes, he might regret that. "Your price is 2 million dollars, 1 million a year" he spat rudely, causing my fists to clench.

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