Chapter Sixteen

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Selena's pov
"Selena it's me" my dad spoke sweetly, he takes a step towards me causing me to take one back.

"Y-Your d-dead, w-who are y-you" I stutter, unable to function. My dead father stands In front of me causally well I'm beside my criminal boyfriend who I'm guessing escaped jail.

"Selena I'm right here" he said again, his body slowly moved towards mine. My hands travel from my side into my hair, pulling on it stressfully. My head snaps from Justin and my dad, to even Paul still on the floor. Not showing any sign of life, which I was fine with.

Confusion crowded my thoughts heavily, tears blur my vision. "Shhh sel it's okay" Justin's sweet voice rang though my head as he pulled me closer.

"Get.Out" I snap softly at a man who is not my father and is currently standing there looking lost. "Sel-" oh hell no I didn't want to hear it.

"I SAID GET OUT" I snap, wiggling out of Justin's grip. "YOUR NOT MY FATHER, MY FATHER WOULDN'T FAKE HIS DEATH AND LEAVE ME WITH SOME PHYCHO PERV WHO RAPPED AND TORTURED ME MULTIPLE TIMES, MY DAD WOULDN'T LEAVE MOM ALONE, Causing her to rely on getting wasted and drunk to survive day to day" I scream angry building up in my body.

He didn't respond he looked up with tears in his eyes, maybe that was a little harsh but he needs to get the message I don't want to see him right now. "Selena I can't explain where I went but Logan can" he said, nothing more than a whisper.

"Who the f*ck is Logan" I spoke confidently even though I've already broken inside.

"Your older brother" he said, his voice hushed. Tears began rolling down his cheeks, "I couldn't save him" he mumbled under his breath, loud enough forms to hear.

"GET.OUT" I said grinding my teeth tightly together, "NOW" I yelled as he slowly dragged his feet out the door.

Giving me one last glance before shutting the door gently. I turned my attention towards Justin. "I'm really happy your out, but why? And who bailed you? Why were you with that man?"

"That man is your father and he bailed me out" He said softly. Justin's strong arms wrap around my weak fragile body. His bare chest against my barely clothed chest. "How long had this been happening" he says gesturing towards Paul and to my body.

"You answer my questions first" I replay emotionlessly, not daring to make eye contact with him. "I did, your father bailed me out, gave me a ride to our house and well now he's gone" Justin said truthfully.

I cringe at the word father, I haven't had one since I was 5. "Now I wanna know how this has been happening because he's not dead yet and I want him to die slowly and painfully" Justin's jaw tightened, his fists clenched around me, his knuckled turned white.

"Well, let's not talk about it now, I just wanna get out of here" I whispered softly, I didn't want to go any further in this subject, not yet at least. Justin nodded his head in response, interlocking our hands together and headed towards the bedroom to pack.


Justin's pov
Killing him is going to be the easy part, getting an answer out of Selena is a different story. Selena went off to the bathroom to pack her makeup and other stuff, our suitcases lay on the floor by the doorway. My legs lay off the bed, my feet easily touching the cold hardwood floor.

My hands making knots in my hair as I stressfully pull on it. Pushing my self up off the bed, heading towards the door but stop as I see a pool of blood were Paul laid only moment ago. And an open door, " F*CK"I curse loudly! soon realizing Selena might of heard that.

Darting towards the door I search frantically to see where the trail of fresh blood leads. My yes widen as I notice the blood ends, not a single drop past from where his... Car was, shit. "motherf*cking asshole" I curse under my breath, harshly rubbing the back of my neck.

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