Chapter Twenty Nine

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~One Week Later~

Selena's pov
"P-Paul please s-stop" I whimper with the remaining strength I hold onto. The thick black belt slaps against my waist forcefully, bringing tears to my eyes effortlessly.

He didn't respond, the same anger he wore traveled against me painfully.

The dark room surrounding me was full of misery well belts, whips and chains hung from the bland walls. Another slap from the belt shocked my body, knocking the wind away from my lungs.

No more pain, no more horror I can't take it anymore. The pain slipped into a spiral, washing down the drain but leaving me the horror filled memories.

The room was spinning in circles, drowning the anger filled curses escaping Paul's sickening lips, wiping everything around me clean, bare, empty.

Rough hands mounted against my skin, feeling pain once again shoot through me as I just never seemed to end. This time once I managed to pry my own eyes open I wasn't alone.

A woman stood towering over me as I lay helpless in an unfamiliar bed, wearing nothing but some skimpy lingerie. Her deep green emerald eyes burned holes into the side of my head as she stared down at me. She had her jet black hair pulled back into a ponytail, she wore something similar to pyjamas, some sweats and a loose fitting tank top.

Something about her expression was similar to pain, disappointment, and just down right scared as a small tear leaked from her left eyes, sliding quickly down her tanned cheek and falling to the dark wood floor.

Moments after a little girl emerged from behind her, she wasn't older than than five or six but she still was to confused to understand what has happened which I'm still struggling to figure out myself.

Her eyes were like the woman beside me, innocent, bright and drenched in terror as I shifted to my feet, or at least I tried until a pair of all to familiar arms pulled me back down.

Flickering my eyes done to my stomach Justin's tattoo engraved arms hugged around me tightly form behind. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing seemed to escape from my dry lips.

Instead the little girl spoke up, "mommy who's that daddy's with?" She asked, tugging the end of the lady which I'm guessing is her mothers shirt.

"Scarlet go to your brothers room for a moment and stay there until I come get you, okay?" She said softly, turning her attention down to the little girl standing cluelessly. She quickly nodded before she joyfully skipping out of the room and down the hallways, without a single worry haunting her in the process.

"You F*CKING SLUT" she chocked out between slobs, raising her hands and grazing my cheek with it harshly. I felt Justin's arms loosen from my waist causing me to turn around to a see the reason behind this.

He stood to his feet quickly, stumbling to slide his boxers on before walking towards her, leaving me to watch quietly, holding my cheek from the previous pain that has been plastered to me.

"H-Haley h-honey it's not what I-it looks like" Justin spoke, hurt lurked in his voice as he approached the woman I'm guessing her name is Haley.

"D-Don't touch me" she stuttered, backing away from myself and Justin as she wore a cloak of horror. "You FUCKING CHEATED ON ME JUSTIN, WE HAVE KIDS TOGETHER AND YOU GO AND SLEEP WITH SOME LOW LIFE WHORE YOU PICKED OFF THE STREET" she cried, her words shot reality through me, this is Haley from the hospital.

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